Prelude <> Nov/Dec 2019 <> January 2020 <> February <> March <> April <> May <> June <>July <> August <> September <> Source Data
July 2020
By July, the Coronavirus pandemic has pretty much gone out of control across much of the United States. Daily new cases have exceeded 50,000 for the past several days and the rate of increase is on a logarithmic curve. At least thirty-one states are seeing daily increases in the number of new cases, and several states have either “paused” or “rolled back” their state’s re-opening due to new cases.
Effective July 1, The European Union has re-opened their borders for travel to most of the world, but excluded citizens of the United States, Russia, and Brazil, due to the uncontrolled rates of infections in these countries.
Of all the states, Arizona, Florida, and Texas appear to be the worse hit. Intensive care hospital beds in Houston, Texas, and Tuscon, Arizona are at capacity and Arizona has authorized what amounts to triage for doctors to decide who should receive intensive care treatment. There are continuing charges that the Florida department of Health is hiding data on rates of infections and COVD-19 deaths.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration appears to have given up on any efforts to combat and control the pandemic. Various statements from President Trump and his advisors range from complete denial (“we’ve done a great job”) to happy talk (“I think this will go away pretty soon. I hope”) to blaming anyone and everyone else for the debacle (“This was caused by China weaponizing the virus.”).
By all appearances, the United States is in very big trouble with no good answers for resolution.
Coronavirus Daily New Cases
Rolling Three-Day Averages
Data Source: Our World In Data
Coronavirus Daily New Deaths
Rolling Three-Day Averages
Data Source: Our World In Data
July 1

Global Cases: 10,357,662 | Global Deaths: 508,055

July 2

Global Cases: 10,533,779 | Global Deaths: 512,842
July 3

Global Cases: 10,710,005 | Global Deaths: 517,877
July 4

Global Cases: 10,922,324 | Global Deaths: 523,011

July 5

Global Cases: 11,125,245 | Global Deaths: 528,204
July 6

Global Cases: 11,327,790 | Global Deaths: 532,340
July 7

Global Cases: 11,500,302 | Global Deaths: 535,759
July 8

Global Cases: 11,669,259 | Global Deaths: 539,906
July 9

Global Cases: 11,874,226 | Global Deaths: 545,481
July 10

Global Cases: 12,102,328 | Global Deaths: 551,046
July 11

Global Cases: 12,322,395 | Global Deaths: 556,335

July 12

Global Cases: 12,552,765 | Global Deaths: 561,617
July 13

Global Cases: 12,768,307 | Global Deaths: 566,654
July 14

Global Cases: 12,964,809 | Global Deaths: 570,288

July 15

Global Cases: 13,150,645 | Global Deaths: 574,464
July 16

Global Cases: 13,378,853 | Global Deaths: 580,045
Global Cases: 13,616,593 | Global Deaths: 585,727
July 18

Global Cases: 13,876,441 | Global Deaths: 593,087
July 19

Global Cases: 14,043,176 | Global Deaths: 597,583
July 20

Global Cases: 14,348,858 | Global Deaths: 603,691
July 21

Global Cases: 14,562,550 | Global Deaths: 607,781
July 22

Global Cases: 14,765,256 | Global Deaths: 612,054
July 23

Global Cases: 15,012,731 | Global Deaths: 619,150
July 24

Global Cases: 15,296,926 | Global Deaths: 628,903
July 25

Global Cases: 15,581,009 | Global Deaths: 635,173
July 26

Global Cases: 15,785,641 | Global Deaths: 640,016
July 27

Global Cases: 16,114,449 | Global Deaths: 646,641
July 28

Global Cases: 16,341,920 | Global Deaths: 650,805
July 29

Global Cases: 16,558,289 | Global Deaths: 656,093

July 30

Global Cases: 16,812,763 | Global Deaths: 662,095

July 31

Global Cases: 17,106,007 | Global Deaths: 668,910
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Format for Daily Cases Counts
Starting with June 30 I’ve added a new field “Number New Cases” to daily cases counts for the United States. I wanted to better illustrate just how quickly new cases are increasing on a daily basis.
I’ve also added a chart at top of this page showing daily new cases in the US compared to the European Union.
Timeline Source Data File
I built this timeline from a set of working notes in spreadsheet format. At present, my working notes have 1247 news entries, in addition to other references that form my “Additional Reading” sidebar entries, and other source references. Not all these news items are published in this timeline, for various reasons. My notes are freely available under a Creative Commons license (BY SA) to any writer or researcher who finds this work useful.
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The Story So Far…
Story Threads Weaving Through This Timeline
CDC Public Schools Reopening Guidelines
Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force
CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response COVID-19 Emergency Response
This briefing document was obtained and published by The New York Times marked “For Internal Use Only.” It was apparently intended for federal public health response teams to have as they are deployed to hot spots around the country. This document appears to have circulated the same week that Vice President Mike Pence announced that the would release new guidelines, saying that the administration did not want them to be “too tough.” It appears to be mostly a compilation of documents already posted online, along reopening plans drafted by states, districts and individual schools and universities. The recommendations in this document, praised by education leaders as “thoughtful and complete,” but never released and at odds with President Trump and his administration on their demands for “re-opening schools.”
American Academy of Pediatrics Return to School Guidance
Official guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics, in a joint statement with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), National Education Association (NEA) and AASA, The School Superintendents Association, on reopening K-12 schools. Released July 10
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JAMA Research Letter on Lingering Effects of COVID-19
In a study from Italy, released July 9, researchers identify the aftereffects of patients who nominally recover from COVID-19. According to this study, only 12.6% reported being symptom free. A worsened quality of life was observed among 44.1% of the group with the most common symptoms being fatigue and labored breathing. Other issues include permanent organ damage or persistent neurological or psychiatric impacts.
Study available at JAMA Network or download here.
Report by the White House Coronavirus Task Force to Governors
This report, circulated among White House staff but never officially released, provides a state-by-state analysis of the coronavirus status in each state. The report includes a recommendation for 18 states to enact tougher control measures. Dated July 14.
Letter from Sen Schumer and Sen Murray to TeleTracking CEO Michael Zamagais
Senator Schumer and Senator Murray write a letter to TeleTracking Technologies CEO Michale Zamagias requesting details on how his company was awarded a sole-source contract for collecting and reporting Coronavirus public health information, formerly managed by the CDC. July 22
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Revised CDC Guidelines for Re-Opening Public Schools
Revised guidelines issued July 23 on re-opening public K-12 schools. These guidelines reflect Trump administration priorities. A New York Times report reveals the Trump administration overruled scientists in the final released version.
Additional Reading
Laborers in poultry-processing and meatpacking plants have been hit extraordinarily hard by the coronavirus. This investigative report details how a secretive titan behind one of America’s largest poultry companies, who is also one of President Trump’s top donors, is ruthlessly leveraging the coronavirus crisis—and his vast fortune—to strip workers of protections. Published July 13, 2020
How Trump Is Helping Tycoons Exploit the Pandemic
‘Superspreading’ events, triggered by people who may not even know they are infected, propel the coronavirus pandemic.Jose-Luis Jimenez, a researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder, was one of 239 scientists who penned an open letter to the WHO, calling for greater recognition of the role that clouds of fine aerosols containing the virus may play in its spread. “It is becoming clear that the pandemic is driven by superspreading events, and that the best explanation for many of those events is aerosol transmission.”
‘Superspreading’ events, triggered by people who may not even know they are infected, propel coronavirus pandemic
Prelude <> Nov/Dec 2019 <> January 2020 <> February <> March <> April <> May <> June<>July <> August <> September <> Source Data
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