Category: <span>Family Stories</span>

On Making A Navy to Civilian Life Transition. Join modern mobile mighty Navy by Library of Congress is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0
Our Modern Mobile Mighty Navy

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Another one of my Quora answers seems to have hit the mark. Given the number of upvotes, and response comments, I thought it was worth sharing on this humble blog.

The question was “Is it true that the longer you stay in the military, especially as an officer, it will be harder to transition to the civilian world when you get out?

My answer described my difficulties in making my transition from Navy to Civilian life. Spoiler alert: My answer is a resounding “Yes!

Family Stories In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

statue of liberty with winnie in front posing as the statue. Photo taken October 2010
Winnie Under the Statue of Liberty

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Last Christmas my oldest nephew, Terry, gifted me a one-year subscription to “” This is a service designed to get people writing about themselves, in response to questions the subscriber selects. Storyworth poses a new question every week, and at the end of the year compiles all answers into a book.

I’ve been pretty good about answering the questions. Some have forced more introspection that I’m used to. Which is probably a good thing. One question that I’ve just finished answering deserves to be posted here, in consideration of the current wave of national xenophobia.

This is my answer to the question of “Who Inspires You?”

Family Stories

Ron and Winnie Charest at Pikes Market, Seattle, Washington
Ron and Winnie Charest at Pikes Market, Seattle, Washington

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Winnie and I recently returned from a week’s vacation in Seattle, Washington. It was a great week. We had a chance to visit with one of our nephews, explore Seattle and the lovely surrounding parks, and attend another Navy reunion. The reunion was the primary reason for making this trip.

Family Stories In the Navy

The inside of a beautiful Catholic church. Photo by Pixabay:
The Hollow Splendor of A Catholic Church

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Recently I answered another Quora question on religion. While the answer dredged up another hurtful memory, it also seemed to resonate with numerous Quora members. So, for the pleasure of my many readers I will report my answer here, with additional bonus commentary.

My answer relates how a Catholic Priest once compared being a prostitute to a Protestant, knowing I was attending his Mass and knowing I was a Lutheran.

Family Stories Quora Re-Posts

Moving Away From Virginia
Moving Away

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

We’ve moved. Over the past several months Winnie and I have made the complex transition from living in Northern Virginia to living in Charlotte, North Carolina. This transition involved buying a house, selling our house, moving our extensive collection of household goods, and reorganizing my ongoing professional life. Not to mention shifting all our necessary professional support services we developed during the eighteen years we lived in Virginia.

But we now live in Charlotte. In the great scheme of life adventures that’s happened to Winnie and me, this was just another speed bump.

Family Stories Ron Charest

Stack of empty boxes needed for moving. Photo by SHVETS production:
Lots of Boxes Needed for Moving

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

I’ve always tied physical objects to memories of people and pleasant events. So, the end result is that I collect “stuff.” Lots of “stuff.” Odd small “stuff” like pamphlets, letters, and greeting cards. Then, there’s bigger “stuff” like books, small furnishings, and collectibles.

With my collecting “stuff” quirk, which can easily border on obsessive, moving is hard. One of the things I’m having to do in this latest and last move I plan on making, is letting go.

Family Stories

For Sale Sign on front lawn of a house
Moving On Again

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on this humble website. This is by reason that, once again, Winnie and I are in-process of moving to a new home. This time, we’re making a bigger move than just across town.

This is a move to a new state and is part of shifting into my retirement phase of life. The entire process is giving us another dose of the moving time blues.

Family Stories

Winnie and Friend Paddling in Lake Wylie, South Carolina

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Over the past fourteen years kayaking has become my most favorite outdoor activity. Along with actually paddling kayaks comes the fun part of collecting kayaks. I’ve managed to collect a few nice boats over these past years including inflatable kayaks.

One of the most common remarks I see/hear when people ask about the pros and cons of inflatable kayaks is: “If you punch a hole in an inflatable, you’ll get wet.” I can now attest that this is not true.

Family Stories On The Water

Melissa Etheridge File Photo
Melissa Etheridge

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Of the many musicians and types of music I enjoy, there is one musician I haven’t written about on this humble blog. That would be American singer, songwriter, and guitarist Melissa Etheridge. So, for this chilly pre-spring equinox Wednesday I’m going to correct that deficiency. I’m also going to make a tribute to a woman who once helped me through the absolute lowest point of my life.

Bonus music video for those brave visitors who read all the way through this post.

Family Stories

Ron and Winnie Charest on a Cruise Ship at night
Ron and Winnie Cruising

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

I’ve been catching back up on my daily grind this past week after returning from a vacation. For our latest adventure, Winnie and I did something entirely new – for us. After months of planning and anticipation, Winnie and I took our first vacation cruise a couple of weeks ago.

Family Stories