Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
I’ve recently added another seemingly popular answer to my Quora account. This time, I had the opportunity to describe one of the very few instances when I was happy to see a police officer. My story also describes when a person received a very direct, and very sudden, Karma response to their actions.
My story is one example of a case when Karma really bites.
The Question
So, the Quora question was: Has anyone ever had the satisfaction of seeing that one jerk driver get pulled over?. My answer wasn’t as a driver, but as a pedestrian.
The Story
Many years ago I was living in San Diego, California. One day I had to do some shopping at a couple of different stores in two strip malls separated by a busy six lane road. Since there was a pedestrian walkway across the street I decided it was easier to park at one strip mall and just walk across the street to the other mall.
So, I pushed the “Walk” button and when the walk light came on I started crossing, inside the marked walkway. Cars were lined up along the walkway, waiting for me to cross. Just as I was almost across, a lady driver apparently decided she’d waited long enough and drove through the walkway. Against the light. She literally missed driving over my toes by one inch.
I did my shopping at that second store, and as I walked out saw that driver stopped by one of San Diego’s Finest, giving her a ticket. She was stopped just a few feet down the road from where she almost ran me over. So, I walked over and greeted the officer.
Me: “Good afternoon Officer!” He acknowledged me.
Me: “Are you giving that lady a ticket for almost running me over?”
Officer: “Yes I am.”
Me: “Outstanding! Do you need a statement from me?”
Officer, Answers with a smile: “Nope. I got this.”
Me: “Thank you very much! Have a great day!”
Meanwhile, the driver was sitting in her car, looking seriously pissed.
So, this was one of the very few times I was ever happy to see a police officer. And that lady driver, who very nearly cost me my toes, had a sudden and very deserving instance of Karma reach out and slap her upside her head.
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