Tag: <span>trump</span>

Man in Jail. Photo by Donald Tong: https://www.pexels.com/photo/rear-view-of-a-silhouette-man-in-window-143580/
Looking Out of His Jail Cell

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Last Thursday a jury of twelve New Yorkers decided Donald J. Trump was guilty of 34 felonies. After a lifetime of cheating, stealing, lying, manipulating, and generally being a wretched, reprehensible excuse of a human being, Trump was finally held accountable for his actions.

Since then we have been treated to wall-to-wall nonstop wails of outrage from Trump over the unfairness of being treated like any other American citizen. Even more amazing are the wails of outrage from Republicans. Amazing, because I’m so old I can remember when Republicans claimed to be the party of Law and Order.

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Republicans in Flames
Republicans in Flames

From the pages of current news comes several examples of Republicans going up (down) in flames. I keep thinking this is like watching a movie of disaster in slow motion while cute puppy dogs run around yipping at everything and providing comic relief. It’s funny in the sense that the typical Republican official has become so wacked out they don’t even realize how crazy they sound to normal people.

Also too; how mean-spirited, cruel, and just completely out-of-touch with the norms of civilized society these folks seem. So, I feel no remorse in laughing at their self-inflicted immolation.

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Democratic Donkey Kicking Trump Republican elephant
Goodbye to You!

Four years ago today, I penned a post titled “The Last Week of Obama’s Presidency.” In that post I reflected on the eight years of the Obama administration as it came to an end, his successes and his misses. I also discussed my admiration for then-President Barak Obama as a person. In particular, I commented on how President Obama never once gave in and reacted spitefully to republican-led attacks against him no matter how vile and personal.

I continue to admire former President Obama and his family. I cannot say the same about Twice Impeached Pres*dent trump. The nicest thing I can say about trump is that Wednesday will mark the end of an error in American History.

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US Capitol Building
US Capitol Building

So today, Saturday January 9, 2021, ends a week I could once never have imagined. Wednesday evening I sat in front of my TV transfixed, watching scenes of our National Capitol being overrun and trashed by rioters. Then video clips of national leaders speaking out. Then a clip of Pres*dent trump telling the rioters “Go home, I love you all.” Then more clips of rioters and a woman shot.

What a painful week for anyone who continues to love this country.

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People Holding Mask Over A Statue
People Holding Mask Over A Statue

So yesterday news broke that one scourge of America was afflicted by the other scourge of America; President trump tested positive for the coronavirus. Not only has trump tested positive, so has his current wife and a handful of senior aids and Republican doormats executives closely aligned with trump.

It’s almost like this coronavirus suddenly isn’t a Democratic hoax. Or that just maybe, this virus isn’t going to just go away all by itself. Who knew – other than all of us with no political agenda to push.

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trump as a small man and coward.
This Is Our President

I haven’t wanted to blog about the riots sweeping across America simply because it’s too painful. But, after yesterday I feel a need to write. Not so much about the protesters or the out-of-control cops, but about leadership. Actually, about the lack of leadership at all levels of government. And in particular about the lack of leadership from a very small man in particular.

This very small man would be the person occupying our White House, a man expected to provide leadership during difficult times.

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Coronavirus, appearing in interesting times
We Are Living In Interesting Times

One of my favorite quotes is an alleged Chinese Curse that states “May you be born in interesting times.” Given what’s been happening this past week, I’d say we are in fact living in interesting times. These times are not particularly the times I’d have chosen to live in, all things being equal.

The most recent interesting thing is, of course, the medically-defined “Novel Coronavirus.” Interesting to epidemiologists at least. Those folks are probably having the time of their lives studying this new and improved virus. The rest of us, not so much.

Coronavirus Diaries