Tag: <span>Justice</span>

People Holding Mask Over A Statue
People Holding Mask Over A Statue

So yesterday news broke that one scourge of America was afflicted by the other scourge of America; President trump tested positive for the coronavirus. Not only has trump tested positive, so has his current wife and a handful of senior aids and Republican doormats executives closely aligned with trump.

It’s almost like this coronavirus suddenly isn’t a Democratic hoax. Or that just maybe, this virus isn’t going to just go away all by itself. Who knew – other than all of us with no political agenda to push.

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Hands Up Don't Shoot
Hands Up Don’t Shoot

Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in a news-media free wilderness you’ve heard about the Michael Brown shooting in the town of Ferguson, Missouri, a place most Americans outside of St. Louis never heard of before last summer. Accounts and opinions are raging across the political spectrum, and I’ve been sorting out my emotions triggered by this disgraceful event.

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