Category: <span>Opinions & Commentary</span>

Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait
Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A few years ago, during the depths of our Covid 19 pandemic, I published a post on Republicans being careful what they wished for. That specific post was how, by destroying the moderate left of center politician Hillary Clinton during her Presidential run, Republicans destroyed their own futures.

Now, we once again have a serious case of “careful what you wish for” by the Republican Party. This time, with more burn and Karma on steroids. I’m talking about President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential campaign after Republican operatives, including their friends in our so-called liberal media, have pilloried Biden as being too old to be President.

Republicans are like the dog who just caught a car and don’t know what to do next.

Opinions & Commentary

Man in Jail. Photo by Donald Tong:
Looking Out of His Jail Cell

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Last Thursday a jury of twelve New Yorkers decided Donald J. Trump was guilty of 34 felonies. After a lifetime of cheating, stealing, lying, manipulating, and generally being a wretched, reprehensible excuse of a human being, Trump was finally held accountable for his actions.

Since then we have been treated to wall-to-wall nonstop wails of outrage from Trump over the unfairness of being treated like any other American citizen. Even more amazing are the wails of outrage from Republicans. Amazing, because I’m so old I can remember when Republicans claimed to be the party of Law and Order.

Opinions & Commentary

Trump's Treason with Handcuffs
Trump’s Treason with Handcuffs

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

So this past Saturday during yet another rambling, disjointed, bewildering “speech,” the disgraced twice-impeached two-time loser former pres*dent Donald Trump cried out “If I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

To which I reply “Yeah, and with what army?

Opinions & Commentary

Remembering Veterans Day 2023
Remembering Veterans Day 2023

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Today is the one day each year America nominally gives thanks to military veterans, past and present. On this day lots of important people make a point of taking a few minutes out of their self-professed busy schedules to say something nice about veterans. Some important people will even go to a nearby military cemetery and lay a wreath on someone’s gravesite.

Meanwhile, restaurants across this great nation offer “special” free meals as their special thank you. For this one important day of remembrance. I guess it’s something.

I have some more thoughts on Veterans Day 2023.

Opinions & Commentary

Contemplating Open-Carry Dildo. Photo by cottonbro studio:
Contemplating Open-Carry

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Over the past months I’ve started to hang out on the social media network “Nextdoor.” I like this media as it keeps me hooked into local events, news, and neighborhood issues. But yesterday I discovered that this media, too, is not immune from the gun-toting crazies I colloquially term “ammosexuals.”

This discovery resulted from a post-turned “discussion thread” on the pros and cons of people packing loaded guns in our county parks. My piece of the discussion did not go well. Since working through that discussion, I’ve thought of a modest proposal on guns. A proposal that might actually satisfy gun-crazy ammosexuals and still keep us non-gun-crazy people safe from them.

Opinions & Commentary

Young woman becoming all the machines. Image by Viktor from Pixabay
Machines Taking Over Our World

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

I started working in electronics way back in the previous millennium of 1974. That would be when I started Navy electronics technical training. Back then electronics technician life was simple; a vacuum tube went bad, I swapped it out, and life went on.

My life since then has consisted of using increasingly complex and sophisticated electronics-driven machinery. The Terminator movies notwithstanding, I’ve been watching the development of our brave new world with bemusement and concern.

Opinions & Commentary

row of starched white shirts on hangers. Photo by Pew Nguyen:
Starched Shirts Ready For Rows of Lawyers

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Yesterday The Former Guy (TFG), former Pres*dent Donald Trump, was indicted on four felony charges for working to overturn the results of the 2020 election. With these latest charges, Trump now has three simultaneous criminal indictments against him. The first in New York City for 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The second in Florida with 40 felony counts against him including charges of retaining classified information, obstructing justice, and making false statements. Another indictment from Georgia, also over Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, is expected very soon.

All these indictments mean Trump will spend all his time going from one courtroom to another. And Trump has endless rows of lawyers lined up behind him, working to keep his sorry ass out of jail.

What a truly sad way to be living.

Opinions & Commentary

Democratic Donkey Kicking Trump's elephant
Goodbye to You!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Yesterday The Former Guy (TFG), former Pres*dent trump, seemed to have made a threat to everyone who doesn’t actually like him. He made this seeming threat through a video posted on his very own media outlet Truth Social. In his video the voiceover intonates “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”

So, I’d like to take a few moments and unpack this seeming threat.

Opinions & Commentary

The Oceangate-Owned Submersible "Titan"
The Oceangate-Owned Submersible “Titan”

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Unless you’re lucky enough to avoid news in general, you’re already aware of last month’s global-crisis-level unforced error, in which five people died on a rickety submersible that imploded while diving to visit the wreck of Titanic.

As a former submarine sailor this event strikes pretty close to home. This loss didn’t need to happen. It did happen as a result of unchecked arrogance on the part of the corporate owners and engineers who built the damn thing knowing full well it wasn’t safe. But they did it anyway, for reasons that had no relationship to sound engineering and concern for passenger safety.

Opinions & Commentary Quora Re-Posts

Libertarian House Cats. Photo by NastyaSensei:
Libertarian House Cats

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

I’ve never previously posted about my political awakening and journey to Radical Left Wing Liberal in this humble blog.

My political journey started as first uninterested, then a registered Libertarian, to Democrat, and on to my present Radical Liberalism. But, I started remembering my brief foray into the world of Libertarianism with the fallout over Silicon Valley Bank’s sudden collapse this past Friday.

Which brings me to the best comparison I’ve heard yet about Libertarians as house cats.

Opinions & Commentary