The Approaching Storm

A Violin is a thing of beauty even before it's played.
A Violin in the Hands of a true artist approaches musical perfection

I’ve written before about the violin-playing Goddess that is Vanessa Mae. In this post, I’m writing about her again, and about one of her many violin pieces that is also a good match for these times and the approaching storm.

I’ve followed Vanessa Mae since the late 1990s, after seeing her on a Grammy awards with one of her then-new albums. Her violin music has only gotten better since. So in keeping with these interesting times I present one of her many excellent music videos, this one of her piece “Storm.”

Vanessa Mae in her Official Music Video “Storm”

One of the things I admire about her music is the energy she puts into her work, making even the most difficult pieces look easy.

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One Comment

  1. […] Educational Autobiography : A semi-autobiography focused on my efforts of lifetime learning.The Approaching Storm : A YouTube musical interlude. The Corner Office : A view from the office I hope to one day […]

    July 19, 2020

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