Category: <span>Coronavirus Diaries</span>

This And That
This And That

Even though this is nominally April Fools Day, I can’t help noticing how few April Fools pranks are actually being played today. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that nothing anybody could do would be disbelieved. Four months ago if you told someone an awkwardly-titled thing called “coronavirus” could cause so much chaos, they wouldn’t believe you.

Our president trump certainly didn’t.

Coronavirus Diaries

Music Inside
Music Inside

So the world is on fire right now. Stock markets are collapsing, a pandemic is raging across the globe, a buffoon is occupying the role of “Leader of the Free World,” and our supermarkets are out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

But things could be worse – we could be in a Groundhog Day time loop living the same day over and over again. So we need some music for these times.

Coronavirus Diaries Just For Fun

Coronavirus, appearing in interesting times
We Are Living In Interesting Times

One of my favorite quotes is an alleged Chinese Curse that states “May you be born in interesting times.” Given what’s been happening this past week, I’d say we are in fact living in interesting times. These times are not particularly the times I’d have chosen to live in, all things being equal.

The most recent interesting thing is, of course, the medically-defined “Novel Coronavirus.” Interesting to epidemiologists at least. Those folks are probably having the time of their lives studying this new and improved virus. The rest of us, not so much.

Coronavirus Diaries