Moving On…A New Job

Cartoon Image of a Resume

After several weeks of phone calls, e-mails, and a one-day commute to Washington, D.C., it’s finally come together. I’ve received and accepted a position with a new company located in Arlington, Virginia. My start date is no later than October 31, so we have to move fast!

I was caught off-guard by the location. When I first started talking with this company we were talking about my staying down here at a smaller shipyard, acting as the company’s Logistics’ Rep for a contract there. This was the position I was prepared to discuss when I flew up last week. But during our discussions, I was asked to come up there as their Logistics Program Manager. And they want me soon. So, we’re moving.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about this move. Winnie and I wanted to move away from the coast to a big city. I’ll be working in the one field I still seem to have employable skills, Logistics, and I’ll be continuing to help build ships.

At the same time, I’m leaving friends behind that are as close as family. I’m moving away from the town I’ve lived in longer than anyplace else in my entire life. I’m leaving a home that I love.

But there is so much baggage in this house, it’s as well Winnie and I move away. As much as I love this house, it’s still the house I purchased with my ex-wife with the ex-wife now living next door, full of belongings we purchased together. Those ghosts are everywhere. It’s only my name on the mortgage papers, and Winnie deserves to have her name on our home.

This is also the house that was flooded in Katrina, nearly flooded in hurricane George, and the thoughts of flooding again were lurking behind any plans I had for living here. The thought of rebuilding this house again as a result of a future hurricane is more than I can handle. So I can honestly say this is the final chapter of my hurricane Katrina saga. The hurricane won, and pushed me out of my safe little cocoon back into the big wide world.

I’ll be writing more as I can get my feelings sorted out. For now, Winnie and I are making a stack of stuff to leave behind, looking at where to live in the Washington metro area, getting this house ready to sell, and saying goodbye to dear friends.

I guess this is just one more adventure.

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