Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year 2022. Photo by Vladislav Murashko from Pexels
Happy New Year 2022

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Yes, today is the first day of the year 2022 as per the Julian calendar, as devised by non other than Julius Caesar himself. So we managed to survive another year of lockdown due to the seemingly never-ending Zombie Apocalypse, along with all the horrors of the post-trump-presidency error era.

So, for my first post of this brave new year I feel we need a little bit of celebratory music.

Music to Celebrate 2022

I don’t have anything clever to say about this choice piece of music video. It just seems appropriate for the year we’ve suffered through, and faced with yet more of the same. So, to my many readers, here’s to hoping the new year of 2022 brings you many blessing of continued good health and prosperity.

“Godzilla,” By the Blue Oyster Cult
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