Over the past few weeks I’ve performed a major upgrade to my small home on the Internet in the form of a genealogy section. This is a project I’ve been wanting to do ever since I re-launched this website, and finally took yet another plunge. It’s already turned into a big project, but one that’s well worth doing.
Tag: <span>Tech Talk</span>

Regular readers of this humble website might have noticed that over the past few weeks we’ve gone through several changes in our look. Astute regular readers might have also noticed that on frequent occasions the look of this website was “Basic HTML,” a look where the actual layout was sucky basic lists of posts and navigation with no apparent effort made in layout.
There are reasons for all this.
I’ve spent the past week on business travel in Southern Florida. As business trips go, this one wasn’t bad. The workload was relatively light and the weather here beat the hell out of weather in Washington, D.C. (for anyone who only wants to see ice in a drink, not on a road). The downside is that I’m not home, but Winnie always seem to take our temporary separations in stride.