Tag: <span>Letters To Writers</span>

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

Back in March, on the fifth anniversary of our invasion of Iraq, Slate Magazine asked a number of writers who originally supported the war to answer the question, “Why did we get it wrong?”  One writer who answered, and published his answer in form of his regular column, was Andrew Sullivan.

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Flying Mail
Flying Mail

In my continuing series of letters, I’ve had the opportunity to write to columnist Andrew Sullivan. “Andy” is a conservative columnist who writes for a number of publications, including “Time” magazine and “The Atlantic,” both their print and on-line publications. The occasion for my letters was being fed up with Andy expressing shock at the latest public outrage by shock-jock Ann Coulter.

Advisory: Don’t click over the fold if you get the vapors from adult subject matter.

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Flying Mail
Flying Mail

While this may be a few days late, I’ve finally had time to respond to Columnist David Broder’s offensive and idiotic comments in his February 6 column. For those few who missed it, Broder wrote a column about the recent DNC conference where all ten 2008 presidential contenders spoke.

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Flying Mail
Flying Mail

The National Review Online “The Corner” by my most beloved writer, Jonah Goldberg, arguably the greatest living writer of all time, strikes serious pay dirt with today’s post Save The Polar Bears.

Today’s treat offers his suggestions on solving the prospective threat of a world with no polar bears.

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