Witches Of Halloween Past

Halloween Witch
Halloween Witch

So today is Halloween, a day for tricks and treaters and candy and costumes. Little kids get to dress in cute little outfits going door-to-door asking for free sugar. Adults lucky enough to get invited to a Halloween party dress up in naughty outfits befitting their age and get free food and booze. All in all, a great day to have a little fun.

Halloween is one of my still-favorite holidays even though I haven’t been to a costume party in too many years to think about. But I enjoy seeing little kids coming around for trick and treating and I always have candy to give out. Good stuff like chocolate candy bars, with the ulterior motive being that if we have left-over candy at the end of the night, we can enjoy it ourselves.

There’s a lot of great Halloween movies around, as well as even more not-so-great Halloween movies. One of the more enjoyable movies of the past was the Bette Midler movie “Hocus Pocus,” released in 1988. It was pure fun  and I suspect Bette Midler enjoyed making it as much as people had watching.

Thanks to the ever wonderful YouTube, I offer a little trick and treating eye-candy of Bette Midler performing the classic “I Cast A Spell On You,” in the midst of a pretty wild adult costume party, from “Hocus Pocus.”

“I Put A Spell on You,” Bette Midler from the movie “Hocus Pocus”

Happy Halloween everyone!

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