My sister Melinda continued sorting through Mom’s lifetime accumulation of belongings long after Mom moved in with her. In November 2017 Melinda sent me something else found in Mom’s cedar chest. Melinda discovered a souvenir pillow case printed with “US Army Camp Fannin, Texas”. This pillowcase also has several printed images of cool Army stuff and a saccharin-sweet poem to “Mother.”

I’ve validated that Camp Fannin was a US Army Infantry Replacement Training Center near the present-day town of Tyler, Texas. It opened in 1943 and operated for only four years. I know that Dad went to basic training in Texas in 1943, so I’m very certain this was a small gift Dad gave to his Mom after basic training before he was shipped overseas. Dad’s Mom, our Meme, died in 1957 and the family (Dad’s six sisters and two brothers) most likely would have returned it to Dad when his family sorted out her possessions.
So, in the end, our family ended up with a small memento of Dad’s army service. This kitschy souvenir is something we can keep.
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Update: February 22, 2020 – Edited, converted this story to “Gutenberg Blocks” format and cleaned a few typos. Note that our youngest brother Jeffery became the custodian of Dad’s souvenir pillowcase.