Hawaii or Bust!

Waikiki Beach with Diamond Head
Waikiki Beach with Diamond Head

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

So tomorrow Winnie and I head out for the first real vacation since the start of the Zombie Apocalypse started back in January 2020. We’re breaking our vacation fast by going to one of the places in this world I truly love. We’re heading to the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii, for a ten day visit.

Hawaii or Bust

I was last in Hawaii November 1995, when the ship I was stationed on, the USS Port Royal (CG 73), departed for deployment with me onboard. I was in and out of Hawaii through my entire Navy career, as I was always a “West Coast Sailor.” The occasion for this trip is the Port Royal will be decommissioning next Thursday, September 29. As a Plankowner, I’ll be among the guests attending the decommissioning ceremony.

Beyond hanging out as the beaches, and the decommissioning, we haven’t made any real plans. I’ll be sure to post pictures and travel notes here once we return.

In the meantime; Aloha!

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