Category: <span>Blog Posting Topics</span>

Immigration Official Image
Immigration Official

Just wanted to let everyone know that Winnie will have her visa interview soon! After only a 19 month wait, she is scheduled to have her consulate interview Thursday, June 30, in the morning session. Right now we are scrambling to get all the last minute documents together that we think she may need. We need to show the consulate interviewer we have a “real” relationship, as if somehow waiting almost two years for her to come to the US isn’t proof enough…

Family Stories

Howard Dean For America - File Photo
Howard Dean For America – File Photo

Howard Dean was our keynote speaker the evening of March 2, 2005, in Jackson Mississippi, at the annual $75-a-plate Mississippi Democratic Elected Officials appreciation dinner and fundraiser. Governor Dean’s appearance here was part of his Red, White, and Blue Tour making appearances in “Red” states across the US. I had the great privilege of attending this dinner and hearing him speak. This is my account of the evening.

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