In Transit


Well, today was the last day of my new old job. After a short six weeks on-the-job I literally turned in my badge and went home. I have a week’s break, and then start my new job on March 24.

Leaving this job turned out to be a very bittersweet event. My supervisor had a cake for me and nice farewell speech, and publicity made sure I knew I would be welcomed back if I wanted to return. I just can’t help but observe that this was the first time, out of the five jobs I’ve held in my post-navy life, that I actually received a proper farewell when I left a company. It was a nice feeling.

My last two weeks at this company were as different as day from night over my previous. My previous employer spent the two weeks alternately harassing me with yet another confidentiality agreement to sign, pushing me to change my mind (without offering me any reason to stay), and leaving me to rot at my desk with nothing to do. Here, my last two weeks were busy with small projects up to the end of my last day.

I also had the opportunity to mentor a new person in a quick and dirty overview of logistics.  A lot of fun, especially as this person was an excellent student.

I’ve promised to keep in touch with several people I’ve worked with these past several weeks, and really intend to. I truly enjoyed the people I was working with, and the job itself offered a lot of interesting challenges.

One of my co-workers commented that she expected to see me coming back here to work again. It’s funny, but I can’t help think I may be back also, in one way or another. It’s the first time, in leaving a company, which I could actually see myself returning. Even though I’ve left on good terms from previous jobs, I could never see myself going back to work there again.

I have learned that life has very strange twists and turns… I also really respect my supervisors for treating me decent after I gave my two weeks’ notice.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to having a week off to just do nothing except what I want to do. And what Winnie wants me to do. And some chores I’ve been putting off since before we left Mississippi. And some other stuff I need to do… But I do have a week off, and if the weather actually stays warm, I might even have a chance to start rebuilding “Sea Dreams.”

Then on to new challenges with my next new company. More to follow…

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