Today is a federal holiday celebrating Presidents Day. Here in Washington we’re celebrating with another snow shower, which seems to be such a waste of a day off, given that even the hint of snow is enough to shut down the entire Washington metropolitan region. All this following Valentine’s Day, so at least we should still be on good terms with our significant other.
For today’s special holiday I thought to share a small American history lesson with my many readers. The last time I had any reason to read up on American history was helping Winnie study for her citizenship interview several years back. So, through the ever-wonderful YouTube I present a video clip of “The President’s Song,” singing all our president’s names up to the current occupant of the White House President Barack Obama. I even like the music.
This does make me wonder how the song’s authors will add in our next president, whomever that might be…
So happy President’s day everyone! Hoping you’all had a nice Valentine’s celebration yesterday, and a good day today.
Note – August 12, 2020: This music has been updated to include the 45th occupant of “The People’s House.”
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