Pandora’s Box

The Main Event

A catch-all gallery of photos I like but don’t know where else to put. This small collection includes still life, experimental, candid, landscapes, and just having fun with a camera.

Authors Note: I shot all “Pandora’s Box” images using a variety of 35mm film and digital cameras. In some cases, the camera equipment and technical details of the shot are described. Use the “Slide” link to step through the photos in sequence. Move your cursor over the images to read the description.

Bridges to Everywhere

One photo topic I enjoy is images of bridges. I’ve collected so many I pulled bridge images out from the main collection and set up a dedicated gallery.

Looking up at the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California

Lotus Flowers in China

In August 2017 Winnie and I took our fourth trip to China, and among other locations hiked around West Lake in the city of Hangzhou. The shallow parts of the lake are thick with Lotus plants, and many were in blossom at the time of our visit. Just one or two photos would not do justice to these beautiful plants, so I’ve added a subsection to this Gallery dedicated to the lovely Lotus blossom.

An image of a lovely lotus blossom, West Lake, Hangzhou, China

Boats Ships and Subs : My photo collection of another of my favorite photo topics; boats, ships, and submarines.
Bella Italia : A photo collection of Italy, during 1989 to 1992 when I lived in Naples.
The Corner Office : The view from my office window that I aspire to.

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