In my continuing Don Quixote-style quest against the dysfunctional, authoritarian, over-reaching and civil liberties-free government agency sadly mis-named the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), I have written some letters. No, I didn’t write to my congressman. No, I didn’t write to either of my senators. I also didn’t write to the head of the TSA, nor to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I also didn’t write to the President (I figured he was a little busy trying not to get rolled by the minority Republican Party). I wrote to the real power behind the transportation industry in this Country.
I wrote letters to the airlines.
Are We A Police State Yet?
This past Sunday, a paying passenger was forcibly removed from a United Airlines (UA) flight in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, in the process beaten and his face bloodied by airport security officers removing him. The paying passenger’s crime, the reason for this violent removal from an aircraft after being seated? UA needed the seat so some of their own employees could travel instead.
The President of UA, and lots of otherwise normal people, are currently defending the actions of these security officers.
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Airlines Police State