Tag: <span>TSA</span>

Lost and Found
Lost and Found

I’ve been traveling for business on an average of one week per month for the past six years. Include personal travel, and this means a lot of time spent in airports. With airports come the TSA security checks and all the related security theater that comes with the TSA. I have never said or written anything nice about the TSA in the years I have been dealing with them; until now.

Family Stories

Angry Airplane
Angry Airplane

In my continuing Don Quixote-style quest against the dysfunctional, authoritarian, over-reaching and civil liberties-free government agency sadly mis-named the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), I have written some letters.  No, I didn’t write to my congressman.  No, I didn’t write to either of my senators.  I also didn’t write to the head of the TSA, nor to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  I also didn’t write to the President (I figured he was a little busy trying not to get rolled by the minority Republican Party).  I wrote to the real power behind the transportation industry in this Country.

I wrote letters to the airlines.

Opinions & Commentary

Scanned Airline Traveler
Scanned Airline Traveler

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the current hot topic of “enhanced pat downs” our Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has recently started.  Even more, I’ve been thinking about how few people in our country actually seem to care that a government agency has taken it upon themselves, without any debate by elected officials or discussion within the public arena, to grope people using the legal justification that “probable cause” consists of attempting to board a commercial aircraft after legally purchasing a ticket.  For the sake of national security and keeping us all safe from bad guys.

Opinions & Commentary