Tag: <span>Family</span>

Family Stories

I haven’t posted any news for a few weeks now.  We’ve been pretty busy getting settled down in our new home state of Virginia, and getting established in my new job.  It was a stressful and tiring several weeks, but once again we survived.

Family Stories

Girl and Boy Driving Car
Girl and Boy Driving Car

Winnie and I just survived the most stressful event any married couple should ever have to face. No, I’m not talking about getting married then waiting two years to be able to live together. No, I’m not talking about one person traveling half-way around the world to live in a strange country speaking a strange language. No, I’m not even talking about living through the worst natural disaster in American history.

I’ve just successfully taught Winnie to drive.

Family Stories

Cartoon Image of a Resume

After several weeks of phone calls, e-mails, and a one-day commute to Washington, D.C., it’s finally come together. I’ve received and accepted a position with a new company located in Arlington, Virginia. My start date is no later than October 31, so we have to move fast!

Family Stories

Well, it was the end of another era for us. Yesterday, I sold my vending business, started just 17 months ago. But what a ride it was!

Family Stories

Family Stories

Immigration Official Image
Immigration Official

Just wanted to let everyone know that Winnie will have her visa interview soon! After only a 19 month wait, she is scheduled to have her consulate interview Thursday, June 30, in the morning session. Right now we are scrambling to get all the last minute documents together that we think she may need. We need to show the consulate interviewer we have a “real” relationship, as if somehow waiting almost two years for her to come to the US isn’t proof enough…

Family Stories