Tag: <span>Ron and Winnie</span>

No Cellphones!

A few days ago I had the interesting experience of colliding technologies. I temporarily lost my iPhone at the same time Winnie (in a location far far away from me) had a low tire pressure alarm, and we experienced what I can only describe as a “First-World Nation” issue of confusions and missed signals. It’s times like this I wondered about life back in the BC (Before Cellphone) era.

Family Stories

Going Swimming
Going Swimming

Winnie has been talking about learning to swim for almost as long as she’s been in the US. A few weeks ago she finally took the plunge and signed up for swimming classes. Of course, she also wanted me to sign up with her, so I could “help her out” with her classes.

Family Stories

Winnie and I just returned from a week’s trip to Oakland, California.  I was there on business and on this trip Winnie accompanied me, the first time she’s traveled with me on my business travel.  It was a nice week together, and gave both of us a bit of vacation.  Better yet, I had the chance to do something different; walk the Golden Gate Bridge

Family Stories

Wedding Rings Anniversary
Wedding Rings Anniversary

Today, Winnie and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. If there was ever an eventful marriage, I think it’s been ours. So having survived four years together, we have a lot to celebrate.

Family Stories

Immigration Official Image
Immigration Official

Just wanted to let everyone know that Winnie will have her visa interview soon! After only a 19 month wait, she is scheduled to have her consulate interview Thursday, June 30, in the morning session. Right now we are scrambling to get all the last minute documents together that we think she may need. We need to show the consulate interviewer we have a “real” relationship, as if somehow waiting almost two years for her to come to the US isn’t proof enough…

Family Stories