Winnie and I returned home Saturday afternoon from our two week vacation. It turned out to be a great vacation, and we accomplished just about everything we planned on doing while still having a relaxing time.
Tag: <span>France</span>

We’ll be leaving this evening for our vacation trip to England and France. We’re as ready as we’re going to get, and that’s all there is!

We’ve been spending a lot of this past week prepping for our big vacation trip. I received my “Rough Guide” tour books as promised by and spent some time reading through them.

Winnie and I are starting to get ready for our next big adventure. This year, we decided to take a real vacation and head out to places we both have always dreamed about seeing. Actually, there’s a lot of places we’ve dreamed about seeing someday, so narrowing it down was a bit difficult. After some thought and planning we decided that this year we’d head off to see England, with a side trip to France.