February 2020
By the end of January there is an apparent growing sense of awareness / unease that the newly discovered coronavirus may turn into a serious global threat.
In February I document evidence showing President Trump and select members of Congress were receiving periodic intelligence briefings starting in January and continuing through this month. Senior members of President Trump’s administration have publicly documented warnings, and the “Red Dawn” email chain demonstrates that a number of senior U.S. policy makers were very much aware of the impending pandemic and potential consequences. The Coronavirus is spreading across the globe by this point, and throughout February the spread continues as people start dying.
Starting this month, I include cumulative daily counts for Coronavirus cases in the US, and cumulative reported Coronavirus deaths. My reference is the Wikipedia entry “COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.“
Month of February

Cumulative Global Cases | Cumulative Global Deaths | Number Countries Reported
February 1

Global Cases: 11,953 | Global Deaths: 259 | Countries: 23
February 2

Global Cases: 14,557 | Global Deaths: 305 | Countries: 23
February 3

Global Cases: 17,391 | Global Deaths: 362 | Countries: 23
February 4

Global Cases: 20,639 | Global Deaths: 426 | Countries: 23
February 5

Global Cases: 24,554 | Global Deaths: 492 | Countries: 24
February 6

Global Cases: 28,276 | Global Deaths: 565 | Countries: 24
February 7

Global Cases: 31,481 | Global Deaths: 638 | Countries: 24
February 8

Global Cases: 34,886 | Global Deaths: 724 | Countries: 24
Global Cases: 37,558 | Global Deaths: 813 | Countries: 24
February 10

Global Cases: 40,554 | Global Deaths: 910 | Countries: 24
Global Cases: 43,103 | Global Deaths: 1,018 | Countries: 24
February 12

Global Cases: 45,171 | Global Deaths: 1,115 | Countries: 24
February 13

Global Cases: 46,997 | Global Deaths: 1,369 | Countries: 24
February 14

Global Cases: 49,053 | Global Deaths: 1,383 | Countries: 24
February 15
Global Cases: 50,580 | Global Deaths: 1,526 | Countries: 25
February 16
Global Cases: 51,857 | Global Deaths: 1,669 | Countries: 25
Global Cases: 71,429 | Global Deaths: 1,775 | Countries: 25
February 18

Global Cases: 73,332 | Global Deaths: 1,873 | Countries: 25
February 19

Global Cases: 75,204 | Global Deaths: 2,009 | Countries: 25
February 20
Global Cases: 75,748 | Global Deaths: 2,129 | Countries: 26
February 21
Global Cases: 76,769 | Global Deaths: 2,247 | Countries: 26
February 22

Global Cases: 77,794 | Global Deaths: 2,359 | Countries: 28
Global Cases: 78,811 | Global Deaths: 2,462 | Countries: 28
February 24

Global Cases: 79,331 | Global Deaths: 2,618 | Countries: 29
February 25

Global Cases: 80,239 | Global Deaths: 2,700 | Countries: 33
February 26

Global Cases: 81,109 | Global Deaths: 2,762 | Countries: 37
February 27

Global Cases: 82,294 | Global Deaths: 2,804 | Countries: 46
February 28

Global Cases: 83,652 | Global Deaths: 2,858 | Countries: 51
February 29

Global Cases: 85,403 | Global Deaths: 2,924 | Countries: 53
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– Move your mouse over a boldened acronym, name, or term, used in this timeline for an Link for a Download File
Timeline Source Data File
I built this timeline from a set of working notes in spreadsheet format. At present, my working notes have 1247 news entries, in addition to other references that form my “Additional Reading” sidebar entries, and other source references. Not all these news items are published in this timeline, for various reasons. My notes are freely available under a Creative Commons license (BY SA) to any writer or researcher who finds this work useful.
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Increased Medical Exports
One interesting piece of information is that US exports of medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) increased from January to February by 22.7 percent. During the month of February, the value of U.S. mask exports to China alone was 1094 percent higher than the 2019 monthly average. This information was uncovered by Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45) and published in “Everyone But Us The Trump Administration and Medical Supply Exports” on April 6, 2020. Congresswoman Porter’s charge is that President Trump misapplied the Defense Production Act and mismanaged our nation’s supply of personal protective equipment and ventilators by exporting medical equipment, ignoring the pending needs of our country. This report is available for download here.
Everyone But Us The Trump Administration and Medical Supply Exports
Download Document
Red Dawn Emails
The New York Times has published the entire “Red Dawn” email chain. The chain starts January 28 and continues through mid-March. Although some emails are heavily redacted, much of the material is readable and shows an incredible awareness among senior policy makers of the impending impact of the Coronavirus and increasing frustration with our government’s inaction. I’ve made the email chain available as part of this timeline.
Global Coronavirus Spread
First reported confirmed cases per country.
February 4
February 9
February 14
February 19
February 21
Lebanon – a 45-year-old woman traveling back from pilgrimage in Qom, Iran, tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and was transferred to a hospital in Beirut.
Israel – a female Israeli citizen who had flown home from Japan after being quarantined on the Diamond Princess tested positive at Sheba Medical Center.
February 22
February 23
February 24
Afghanistan – the first confirmed case was one of three people from Herat, who had recently returned from Qom, Iran, a 35-year-old man.
Iraq – the first official case was an Iranian religious studies student in the city of Najaf, some 160 km (99 mi) south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
Kuwait – the Ministry of Health announced that there were 3 cases detected coming from Iran that carry coronavirus. Two later cases were announced on that same day.
Oman – two Omani women who had returned from Iran.
Spain – the first case on mainland Spain was a medical doctor from Lombardy, Italy, who was on holiday in Tenerife, tested positive at the University Hospital of the Nuestra Señora de Candelaria in Spain.
February 25
Algeria – an Italian man who arrived on 17 February.
Austria – the first two cases were a 24-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman from Lombardy, Italy. They tested positive and were treated at a hospital in Innsbruck, Tyrol.
Brazil – The first case of COVID-19 in Brazil, which was also the first in South America, was reported by the Health Department of São Paulo. The infected person was a 61-year-old man who had returned from Lombardy, Italy.
Croatia – a patient in Zagreb who had come from Italy was tested positive. The same day, a second case related to the first one was confirmed.
Canary Islands, Spain – the wife of the medical doctor from Lombardy, Italy, (the first person on mainland Spain to test positive) tested positive while on holiday in Tenerife.
Switzerland – a 70-year-old man in the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino, bordering Italy, who had previously visited Milan.
February 26
Georgia – A 50-year-old man who returned to Georgia from Iran was admitted to Infectious Diseases Hospital in Tbilisi. He came back to the Georgian border via Azerbaijan by taxi.
North Macedonia – a 50-year-old woman that was tested at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Skopje. She had been in Italy for a month and was sick for two weeks. Upon returning to North Macedonia she immediately reported herself to the clinic.
Norway – a woman tested positive for Coronavirus after returning from China the previous week. She was and in good health.
Pakistan – two cases reported. The first was a student at the University of Karachi, Karachi in Sindh province while the second patient was from the federal territory of the country. Both patients had recently returned from Iran.
Romania – the first confirmed case was in Gorj County.
February 27
Belarus – A student from Iran tested positive on 27 February and was admitted to a hospital in Minsk. The individual arrived in Belarus via a flight from Baku, Azerbaijan, on 22 February.
Denmark – a man from Roskilde who tested positive for COVID-19 at Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde. He was an editor from TV 2 who had been skiing in Lombardy in Italy and returned to Denmark on 24 February.
Estonia – an Iranian 34-year-old man tested positive after falling ill on board a bus from Riga, Latvia to Tallinn and called himself an ambulance. He had originally departed from Iran, and flown from Turkey to Riga.
The Netherlands – a man from Loon op Zand who had been in the Lombardy region of Italy was admitted to Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg.
Nigeria – an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria, in Lagos State, had returned on 25 February from Milan, Italy through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport.
Northern Ireland – a woman who had returned from Italy.
Republic of Ireland – a woman from Belfast who had traveled from Northern Italy through Dublin Airport.
San Marino (within Italy) – an 88-year-old man with pre-existing medical conditions who came from Italy.
February 28
Azerbaijan – a Russian national who had traveled from Iran. Two more cases were later confirmed in the country, Azerbaijani nationals who returned from Iran.
Iceland – an Icelandic male in his forties who had been on a ski trip to Andalo in Northern Italy and returned home on 22 February. When he developed symptoms after his arrival he was quarantined at Landspítali hospital in Reykjavík.
Lithuania – a 39-year-old woman who arrived to Kaunas from Verona, Italy after a business trip.
Mexico – the first three cases. A 35-year-old man and a 59-year-old man in Mexico City and a 41-year-old man in the northern state of Sinaloa tested positive and were held in isolation at a hospital and a hotel, respectively. They had traveled to Bergamo and stayed in Italy for a week in mid-February.
New Zealand – a New Zealand citizen in her 60s who had recently visited Iran, returning via Bali, Indonesia, and arriving in New Zealand on 26 February at Auckland.
February 29
Ecuador – a woman in her 70s and an Ecuadorian citizen who resided in Spain. She arrived in Guayaquil on 14 February. 80 people who had contact with the infected woman were put under observation.
Luxembourg – a man in his forties who had returned from Italy via Charleroi, Belgium.
Monaco – a man who was admitted to the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, then transferred to Nice University Hospital in France.
Qatar – a passenger who had come from Iran to Qatar on a Qatar Airways Flight.
Venezuela – the first record of a patient claiming to have symptoms of coronavirus, with government officials suspecting the person could have entered the country as early as 25 February.
Commentary on Global Spread
President Trump’s February Schedule
Chinese Social Media Chatter
The Chinese social media system
first started floating rumors that America created the Coronavirus about the second week in February. I cannot find any published English-language references to this accusation. My source is via my wife’s WeChat social media conversations with family back in China. However, I find this significant as Chinese social media is tightly controlled, and a rumor such as this would not be allowed to circulate very long if it didn’t have the blessings of the Chinese government.Additional Reading
This article lays out in great detail a chronology of what Trump said—and what he knew—in January and February. This timeline focuses on his relations with China during the two crucial months that seeded the epidemic in the United States.
Trump’s Lies About China and the Coronavirus
This article lays out how Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) leaders were deeply involved in coordinating the government’s coronavirus efforts with their counterparts at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), attending daily meetings and exchanging hundreds of emails on the topic, in February and March. This, despite the sworn testimony before Congress of FEMA officials that they were not in charge of the disjointed operation that came before they were officially placed in charge on March 18, 2020. Includes source files for download.
FEMA Told Congress It Had “Very Little Knowledge” About The Coronavirus Response Before March. New Documents Show It’s Been Deeply Involved Since The Beginning.
An annual leadership meeting of the drug company Biogen, bringing in executives from across the globe, becomes a
Genetic data show how a single superspreading event sent coronavirus across Massachusetts — and the nation
Prelude <> Nov/Dec 2019 <> January 2020 <> February <> March <> April <> May <> June <> July <> August <> September <> Source Data
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