A Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Marketers have not yet been able to make this holiday anything more than a day when we sit down with family and friends to share a meal together and spent just a moment giving thanks for the past year. This will be our second Thanksgiving celebration in Virginia, and the first spent in this home. It’s been a turbulent year again, better than some previous years but worse than others.

Winnie and I do have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I’d like to share them with our many readers.

First, I’m thankful that Winnie and I are still together. For everything we’ve been through in our marriage, we’re still a couple.

A Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey
A Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey

We still have reasonably good health. Besides the obvious blessings of good health, it also means we don’t have to deal too much with doctors and the G-D medical insurance people.

I’m in a job that I still enjoy, working with people I like and mostly get along with all while earning a decent salary.

Winnie and I own our own home, a comfortable house in a decent neighborhood. As much as I miss the house I had back in Mississippi, I do love our new home. A double thanks that we’ve been able to decorate it to our mutual liking.

Our respective families are in good health and doing well. Even though we are far away from everybody, we’re able to communicate and keep in contact as much as we want.

I’m thankful for the new friends we’ve made here in Virginia, even though I miss the friends we left behind in Mississippi.

Finally, I’m just thankful for the chance to look forward to another year of adventure and challenges.

So to everyone reading this, and even for everyone who’s not, here’s to wishing you’all a Happy Thanksgiving Day! Please, sometime during this day, take a moment to stop and reflect on your blessings.

Now, Let’s Eat!

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