Welcoming in the Year of the Dog

The Chinese New Year of 4716, The Year of The Dog
Year of the Dog

Today is the Chinese New Year and start of the Year of the Dog.  Chinese people around the world celebrate today as one their most significant holidays of the year.   In the Chinese calendar, today marks the start of year 4716, based upon a calendar first developed by the Emperor Huangdi, starting in 2637 B.C.E. (Before Common Era). 

A person born in the year of the Dog is described as:

Dogs are loyal and honest, amiable and kind, cautious and prudent. Due to having a strong sense of loyalty and sincerity, Dogs will do everything for the person who they think is most important.

As Dogs are not good at communication, it is difficult for them to convey their thoughts to others. Therefore, Dogs tend to leave others with the impression that they have a stubborn personality.

Born with a good nature, Dogs do not tend to be criminals or seek dishonest gains. They just need a quiet life and a good family and, therefore, forget the ugliness and evil on Earth.

Dogs are always ready to help others and do not care about their own interests, but if they find themselves betrayed by cunning people they will feel shocked and hurt.

When thrown into doubt, Dogs think the world is evil and complicated. Then they criticize sharply when giving comments on something, and infer all things are according to their pessimistic point of view.

Dog people are also reputed to have excellent health and stay active in sports.

So Happy New Year to Chinese people everywhere! May you all shoot off a lot of fireworks, eat lots of dumplings, and generally have a great day!

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