Black Storm Over the Caspian

Chapter Thirteen

          A heavy truck came out of a side street and plowed into the driver’s side of the Cadillac. The impact drove the black car sideways into a parked truck completely immobilizing the front seat passengers. Four men jumped out of the truck and headed for the car’s rear door. Andy, the outside passenger, quickly locked the door. Victor saw the other two occupants duck down in the seat. One of the attackers pointed his AK at the door and let go of a burst of bullets. The door shattered. The other three men reached inside and pulled out Andy and the two scientists.

          Victor felt totally helpless as he stared at the developing drama. His worst fears had come true: Andy had been right after all. He could only guess about Sean’s predicament, but he could not help him at the moment. Augie and Karp followed Victor as the doctor moved behind the parked cars, hoping to get close to the black car to check on the front seat passengers. He heard shots coming from the hotel. He looked back to see the Major kneeling and coolly firing his pistol. Victor could only guess at the target, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the pop of escaping air and realized the policeman had shot out the truck’s tires.

          The attackers realized they were in a bind, that they had to change tactics. The escape vehicle was now useless. Two more men jumped out of the truck, including the driver. All six men conferred for a moment. One pointed to somewhere. They formed a circle with the captives inside and headed for the Metro station.

          Karp bellowed, “If they get inside, we’ll never find them!”

          Victor replied, “I don’t see how we can stop them. This is all my fault. I should have taken more precautions.”

          “There was no way to prevent this. Let’s get to Sean.”

          Sean and the two men in the front seat were unconscious as Victor reached them. The car was wedged tightly against the parked truck.

          He turned to Karp, “Since you may be familiar with Russian trucks, perhaps you can back this one away. The driver may have left the keys inside.”

          Karp jumped quickly into the driver’s seat. The keys were still in place. He slammed the truck in reverse and backed it out slowly. Victor and Augie moved to the car’s back seat, reached over, and pulled the three men out onto the street. None of them was hurt badly. Victor searched out the kidnappers. He felt despair as he saw them disappear down the station steps.

          Victor and Karp walked back to talk with the Russian Major. He had already called for help; an ambulance and police cars were on the way.

          The doctor suggested that the three injured men be taken to the Embassy. The Major agreed.

          Karp asked Victor the big question, “What now, my good man?”

          “We can’t afford to waste any more time. I’m going down below. You can come along if you want to. The choice is yours.”

          Victor turned and walked rapidly toward the station. Augie and Lyn looked up, took in the developing situation, and sprinted after the doctor.

          Karp shrugged and followed, after exchanging words with the policeman. Victor reached the Metro and heard police cars converging on the Square.

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