Author: <span>Ron Charest</span>

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

Once again, it’s Thanksgiving day and my favorite holiday of the year.  While I’m waiting for the turkey to finish up cooking (as we all know, a turkey always cooks in its own time) and the guests to arrive, I want to reflect for a minute on all we have to be thankful for.

Family Stories

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Awhile back, I submitted a column to our local newspaper, now named “,” formerly “The Potomac News.”  My column submission was triggered by a report that about 80 percent of Prince William County were “OK” with the way our police department were handling the anti-Hispanic immigration resolution passed by our Board of County Supervisors back in 2007.

I was deeply offended by this information, and submitted my column.

Opinions & Commentary

Family Stories

We had an interesting nature call this past spring.  It seems a pair of birds decided to build a nest, lay their eggs, and raise their young right over the outside light next to our basement patio door.

Family Stories

Coming Home
Coming Home

I had the chance to make a quick trip to my former hometown of Gautier, Mississippi, this past week.  It was a quick 6 hour visit made on the spur of the moment while in New Orleans, Louisiana, on a business trip.  Although it felt good to be back in my former home town even for a short while and visit with old friends, I also felt a small bit melancholy.

Family Stories

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Back on December 28, 2008, I had my latest letter to the editor (LTE) published in our local newspaper the Potomac News.  This letter was a rebuttal and answer to our local columnist James Simpson.  Mr. Simpson subsequently promised a rebuttal to my answer, and this week he did just that.

Not much of a surprise there, but what did pleasantly surprise me was his tone.  He actually wrote a respectful response laying out his opinions without any hint of mocking me.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

After a long pause from writing Letters to the Editor (LTE) I jumped back into the fray last week.  The occasion of my return to poking local conservatives was being directly challenged by a local columnist.  It seems even my on-line comments are enough to annoy our conservative writers.

Opinions & Commentary

New Years!
New Years!

In my first post of 2009, I want to wish all our loyal readers a new year filled with good health, happiness, and prosperity.  I won’t wish anyone a new year filled with excitement and interesting times as I think most people have enough of that already.  Not the good kind.

Family Stories

This And That
This And That

Another month gone, disappeared just like our money on Wall Street.  Summer is past, Fall is starting and the leaves are already almost gone.  Back when I was growing up my parents used to tell us that “money didn’t grow on trees.”

I wish they would have told that to the kids who grew up to be Wall Street Bankers.

Family Stories

This And That
This And That

It’s been a fast summer here in Virginia. Between my new job, boating, working around the house and other summertime stuff, There’s been very little time or energy for me to write. So consider this a catch-up posting for the last two months.

Family Stories