Category: <span>Opinions & Commentary</span>

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Here in my lovely Prince William County, we have a group of very vocal people complaining about “Illegal Immigrants.” These people complain about a lot of things in general, but immigrants are tops on their list. Our County Board of Supervisors, led by one Cory Stewart, have done what politicians in a democratically-elected government always seem to do – pander to the loudest.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Just because yesterday was Thanksgiving, it didn’t mean all the turkeys were in the ovens and on the tables. Yesterday’s Potomac News columnists included two of my most favorite writers; Charles Reichley and the big turkey himself, James Simpson. Reichley’s column was incoherent to the point of being meaningless and I actually couldn’t read all the way through. Simpson’s column, however, pissed me off.

So for the second time this month, I’ve written a rebuttal to one of Simpson’s columns. To the many things I was thankful for yesterday, add that I’m thankful no trees were killed to support my latest LTE.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Back on November 14, the editorial section of my favorite local newspaper “The Potomac News” once again scored big with one of our local columnists James Simpson. Unlike Ken Concannon and Charles Reichley, I haven’t bothered writing rebuttals or personal e-mails to Mr. Simpson before, simply because I don’t normally consider him worth the effort.

However, for this particular column I just had to make an exception and respond.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Last week my newest most favorite “The Potomac News” columnist, Charles Reichley, ran a column defending Rush Limbaugh’s now infamous “Phony Soldiers” comment. Rush “ditto head” Limbaugh annoys me just by sharing the same planet, but his September 26 “Phony Solider” crack really got to me.  I’d already signed Gen Wes Clark’s petition to have Limbaugh’s show pulled from the Military Armed Forces Radio Television Stations (AFRTS) network, and Reichley’s column was one more chance to make my feelings publicity known.

I submitted my LTE Friday morning, and it was published yesterday, Sunday.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Last Week the Liberal activist organization “MoveOn” ran a half-page advertisement in the New York Times against the pending September 11 Iraq report. The report was previously planned to be presented by the U.S. Army General Field Commander, General Petraeus. MoveOn used a clever play-on-words with the General’s name, referring to the General as “Betray Us” to make Their Point. Their Point being that MoveOn was simply asking the General to be honest in his report, not parrot President Bush’s talking points.

This ad has caused an uprising of angst and outrage amongst Conservatives all across these United States of America.

Opinions & Commentary

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

It seems that the producers and staff of CBS Evening News are a bit thin-skinned. Recently, CBS News Reporter Katie Couric recently produced a series of “reports” on Iraq.  CBS has taken a considerable amount of criticism over these pieces ever since.  In fact, they’ve taken to insulting people who criticize their work.

So now, I’ve taken to writing my own letter of criticism over the way CBS news insults people who criticize.  My letter is written to two senior producers at CBS Evening News, Jim McGlinchy ( and Betty Chin (

Opinions & Commentary

Commonwealth of Virginia
Commonwealth of Virginia

Well, it’s over.  After seven trips to the local DMV office, two letters to the Governor of Virginia, one letter to the DMV Commissioner, and three phone calls to the DMV office of Identification Review Service, Winnie has a driver’s license good for five years, in her married name, and with our current address.

Once again I’m left wondering:  Why was that so difficult?

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

The Friday before going on vacation, June 29, I read a column in our local   “Potomac News” that irked me more than normal.  I read the Potomac News every day on my morning bus commute, and I can only state how shocked I am at the tone of local editorials and Letters to The Editor (LTE).  “Hateful” and “bigoted” are two words that come to mind in my daily readings. “Willful ignorance” is a term I frequently think of.   But columnist Ken Concannon, who pretends he is a “fair and balanced writer”, really annoys me.

Even against the background of ignorance, hatefulness, and bigotry, Mr. Concannon’s column of June 29 “Some commentary on Nazis and socialism” got me angry.

Opinions & Commentary

Commonwealth of Virginia
Commonwealth of Virginia

As many of our frequent visitors (visitors => More Than Two) may remember, back in December and January I posted about a problem with our local DMV.  It seemed that the various DMV officials were making stuff up in increasingly new and original ways, to prevent Winnie from obtaining her driver’s license (and by default, proof of Virginia residency).  My breaking point was when, on our fifth trip over a period of 7 weeks, they denied her license on basis that she could not prove how she made the jump from her maiden name “Wei Fang Li” to married name “Wei Fang Li Charest.”

Opinions & Commentary

Flying Mail Cartoon image
Flying Mail

Once again, our own Jonah Goldberg, the greatest living writer of all time, has presented us with a column of striking insight concerning the urgent need for privatizing our public schools.

Opinions & Commentary