Dr. Jeffery P. Charest is a writer, poet, and musician with a specially in ancient folk instruments. His doctorate thesis was on the history of the Lute, and he is one of the world's leading scholars on this esoteric family of instruments. Jeff currently lives in Rabat, Morrocco, where he teaches ESL and continues his studies on esoteric folk instruments.
Karoline Creek is a freelance writer who spent many years as a garden architect. She is passionate about the environment and uses her time to help people bring a little more nature to her home. When not writing or promoting environmental causes, she can be found spending time with her children or hiking in the mountains.
Armand was born in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, August 16, 1924, the sixth of nine brothers and sisters. In July 1943 Armand was drafted into the Army. He served in the Pacific Theater and finished his three years of service as a member of the US occupying forces in Japan. After his discharge Armand developed a career as a Tool and Die maker. He was married, and divorced, three times and had four children by his first marriage. On December 23, 1986, at the age of 62, shortly after his retirement, Armand earned his bachelor's degree in English. He spent his remaining years working as an English tutor and writing. His dream was to get a book commercially published, but he was not able to do so. He passed on February 3, 2004.