Tag: <span>Gun VIolence</span>

The Yin-Yang of Compassion
The Yin-Yang of Compassion

I make no secret of my opinion that our country, as a cohesive culture, is in trouble. I see near-daily mass shootings, the rise of white supremacists and Neo-Nazis, and the rapid degradation of public institutions such as schools, matched by the rise of for-profit institutions such as prisons, as part of a cohesive pattern of cultural disintegration.  But I also see this pattern to have a deeper cause – the loss of compassion.  

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Gun Sight Cross hairs
Gun Sight Cross hairs

In considering America’s latest record-setting mass murder of unarmed people – the Orlando nightclub shooting of June 12 – I have to once again ask this question;

“Is a periodic mass murder of innocent people inside homes, churches, schools, shopping malls or other public places, a reasonable price to pay for the unrestricted right of anyone to own as many guns, of any type, that they desire?”

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