Tag: <span>Navy</span>

Not The News, Military Edition
Washington, D.C.
April 1, 2022

Navy Spokesperson Captain Crunch Jr. announced today that out-of-the-box thinking has resulted in dramatic cost savings in the Navy’s new budget. “For years, the Navy has struggled to understand why costs kept spiraling up” Crunch said. “It turns out, ships are expensive to fix. There’s so much stuff on them that breaks, and they’re literally sitting in water all the time, just rusting away. So, several years ago we awarded multi-million-dollar consulting contracts to conceptualize ways the Navy could save money moving forward.”

In the Navy Just For Fun

Admiral Mike Boorda
Admiral Mike Boorda, Official Navy Photograph

Recently I had the opportunity to answer another Quora question on navy life. This answer brought back a flood of memories from my life in Naples, Italy, and working with NATO. The question was “As an enlisted service member, what did an officer do to earn your respect?” I felt this was an interesting question, as the person asking seemed to know enough about military life to know that respecting position is required, but respect for the person is earned.

In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

The smell of a submarine - amine, sweat, smoke, hydraulic oil,

One of the reasons I don’t post here much is because I’m writing in several other venues. Facebook, regrettably, occupies a lot of my otherwise available writing time. I periodically post to my account on Daily Kos or comment on other people’s posts. But a new writing venue (for me) is the site Quora

In the Navy Quora Re-Posts

Aircraft Carrier
Aircraft Carrier

A recent article posted on Face Book by a former shipmate, and the resulting discussion, has gotten me thinking about our current Navy.

Opinions & Commentary

I’m back in San Diego again this week on another business trip, and I saw what I’d like to think is the future of automobile technology. I saw this on, of all places, the main Navy base.

Opinions & Commentary

In the Navy