Tag: <span>Political Commentary</span>

Opinions & Commentary

Emmigration Around The World in 1885
Emigration Around the World in 1885

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

This past week President Obama went live on prime-time television (with some notable exceptions) and announced he was directing his cabinets to make some minor changes in the way people who crossed over into our part of planet earth were treated. Notable was that we, a culture that boasts about being a nation of immigrants, would no longer gratuitously tear apart families and deport parents of legal American citizens back to the countries they originated from.

Which leads me to share some thoughts on immigration.

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Aircraft Carrier
Aircraft Carrier

A recent article posted on Face Book by a former shipmate, and the resulting discussion, has gotten me thinking about our current Navy.

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Flying Mail Icon
Flying Mail

Dear Mr. President,

I wanted to write you a letter, and decided that posting an open letter on this website had just as much of a chance of being read by you as if I handwrote a personal note on perfume-scented vellum and mailed it directly to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a big red-white-blue striped envelope with a large lollipop taped to it.

So here goes. My open letter to you sir, the President of these United States.

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