Out With One Year, In With the Next

New Years!
New Years!

As 2011 quickly passes into history, I have a few moments to reflect back on everything that’s happened these past 12 months.  It has actually been a good year for Winnie and me, with lots of potential for an even better year to come.

Since I didn’t list the many things of the past year I’m grateful for at Thanksgiving, as I normally do, I’m going to list them now.

  • I’m grateful for my continued health.  This past year my somewhat stern and grumpy doctor told me I am in excellent health for a man of my age, which I take as a compliment.
  • I’m grateful for Winnie’s continued good health, and good cheer.  I’m grateful for continuing to have her in my life.
  • I’m grateful for the job I have.  Last holiday season was a little worrisome as the contract I had been working on ended abruptly just before the holidays, and I wasn’t sure how the new contract I landed in would work out.  It turns out that the work under my new contract is pretty good.  I’m learning a lot more about ships, shipbuilding, logistics, and systems engineering than I once though possible.  This contract has me doing a lot of traveling, which is nice as it breaks up my routines and gets me feeling like a high-powered executive (without the high-powered executive pay), but also keeps me away from home more than I like.
  • I’m also grateful that I work with some really good people whom I mostly get along well with.  I’m learning from them, and able to pass on some of the things I’ve learned over the years about ships, logistics, and life in general.
  • I’m grateful that I have a job that pays well enough so Winnie and I can indulge in some personal fun stuff.  I got my power boat “Sea Dragon” out quite a few times this past summer (not as often as I like, but enough) for some fishing and fun.  I also got out on my little fishing kayak “Arrau” quite a few times, actually more often than “Sea Dragon.” Kayaking has become a sport I really enjoy, something I hope to be able to enjoy for many years to come.
  • In talking about indulging, I have to talk about our big trip of this past year; Touring China.  It was my third trip to China with Winnie, and at three weeks this was actually the longest vacation trip I’ve had since my first couple of years in the Navy.  I’m slowly posting pictures from the trip, and hope to write a travelogue about it.  I also was glad Winnie had a chance to visit with her family again, even if only for a little while.

I like New Year’s for the promise of a new chance; of clearing away the old year and starting fresh for the next.  This next year has a lot of promise for an even better year than the past, more so than on previous New Year’s celebrations.  This may be related to the upcoming Chinese year of the Dragon.  The Chinese say Dragon years are marked by excitement, unpredictability, exhilaration and intensity.  I guess there are worse things than that.

So to all the people reading this and to everyone who doesn’t read this, I wish you a Happy New Year of excitement, unpredictability, exhilaration and intensity, along with good health, happiness, and prosperity.  May you find your dreams during this coming year.

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