Moving In – Past the Point of No Return

Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home

We’re still moving stuff into our new house, but now we’re actually living there.  Last Friday we had the cable guy hook up our television and Internet service.  We moved our venerable futon bed, set it up in the downstairs bedroom, and that was it.

Time to move in!

We’re still moving things over.  Sunday morning we made another trip with the trailer, carrying the last large items we can actually move ourselves.  Along with boxes in the back of our SUV, we hauled everything over to our house.  As a measure of how far along we are in moving, we’re now parking our utility trailer at the house.  I’m sure the neighbors are all impressed.

Sunday afternoon was another milestone of gaining a dining table.

We left our kitchen table and the dining room set back in Mississippi.  We knew before we left the furniture was too large to fit into any house we would buy up here.  While we were in the apartment we were eating meals on the couch in front of the television.

I didn’t like that arrangement.  I’ve always believed that meal times should be an event by itself, shared with conversation.  But, we wanted to wait to buy new furniture until we had a house to put it all in.  It was a good thing we did.  The dining area in our house is a bit small and we had to be careful on what we selected.

We visited every furniture store in our area over the past several weeks looking for the perfect dinette set.  Sunday we headed up to an area closer to DC that has several major furniture stores, pulling our utility trailer.  In the last place we shopped, we found a set Winnie and I both agreed on right away – which doesn’t happen too often.  It was in stock, but at another store that happen to be “20 minutes away,” in Prince George County, Maryland.  No problem.

We drove up, had the boxes loaded into the trailer and back of our SUV, and returned home.  Of course, assembly was required.  By 9:30 PM Sunday night we had everything put together.  I poured a glass of wine for me (into a coffee cup – the wine glasses are still packed away somewhere), apple juice for Winnie, and we had a toast sitting at our new dining table.

It’s the small things that matter most.  With a proper place to eat, our house is beginning to feel like home.

This Saturday we’ve scheduled local movers to get the remaining pieces of large furniture out.  This weekend I plan on moving my boat out from the apartment parking lot.  A little bit of cleaning, a few more bits and pieces to gather up, and we’ll be out of that apartment for good.

Now on to unpacking boxes!

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