Four Years Today!

Wedding Rings Anniversary
Wedding Rings Anniversary

Today, Winnie and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. If there was ever an eventful marriage, I think it’s been ours. So having survived four years together, we have a lot to celebrate.

During our four years of marriage we survived the first 20 months half a world apart, fighting to get Winnie’s visa. Then, just three weeks after she arrived in the US, we survived a small auto accident. Three weeks later, we survived the greatest natural disaster to ever hit the U.S. with Winnie literally adrift on a raft. This memorable event was followed by a year’s worth of home improvement. We finished the house, then moved halfway across the US and started all over again.

We actually moved into our Dale City apartment on our third anniversary. By the time we finished supervising the movers getting our belongings up three flights of stairs the day was pretty much shot. We didn’t exchange cards, and I don’t even remember having a special dinner that evening. I know this sounds pretty sorry but after two months of packing, emptying the house I’d lived in for 13 years, and two trips between Mississippi and Virginia, we were pretty tired.

At least, we did finally exchange wedding rings the following weekend.

This past year has been pretty good to us, all things considered. I’m doing well at my job and making better money that ever before. We ended up with a nice house in a decent neighborhood. The house keeps us busy with decorating and minor remodeling, helping us set down new roots. Winnie has found a decent job that keeps her busy and given her a chance to make friends.

All-in-all, I think this last year has been good to us.

Of course, Winnie had to work today which limits our celebration options. I took Friday off, also Winnie’s day off this past week, so we could have some time just to be together.

So to my beautiful wife, Happy 4th Anniversary. I Love You very much.

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