Here it is March third, seventeen days away from the Spring Equinox, and right now we have about six inches of snow. The good news is that last night the weather guessers were predicting up to fifteen inches of snow, so only six inches qualifies as good news.
Also in the good news department, early yesterday evening the government made the announcement that all federal offices would be closed today. For me this was a nice quiet day of working from home; any work day that I’m not commuting into the office is automatically a good day. Once it stopped snowing I got a light exercise workout of shoveling powder and clearing off the cars and boat which makes my day guilt-free.
Meanwhile, Winnie spent the day at home multi-tasking by making dumplings and watching Chinese TV shows on her laptop, streamed live from a Chinese equivalent of Hulu.
So for those readers who live in a place that doesn’t actually get snow, or for those who just can’t get enough of looking at snow, here is some gratuitous snow porn. Enjoy!

We’ll enjoy Spring weather when it comes!