Welcoming In The New Year

New Year 2015
New Year 2015

For the first post of this brave new year of 2015 CE, I’d like to wish all my readers a year of good heath, happiness, and prosperity.

I still consider New Year’s to be one of my favorite holidays, right up there with Thanksgiving. I consider New Year’s to be a day to reflect on the what has happened, and reflect on what I’d like to do different in the coming year. Not that wanting to do things different seems to actually cause me to do different things, but it’s like a road map; if you don’t know where you want to go, you have no chance of getting there. As opposed to knowing where you want to go, but then get sidetracked by some incredible bit of roadside scenery that encourages you to make a stop, or coming upon a major road construction project that forces you to change direction.

Also too; train wrecks and major traffic jams.

So with that bit of philosophical musing out of the way, I can get to the important stuff like revealing my New Year’s resolutions.

  1. Lose weight, or if I can’t lose weight buy pants with bigger waistlines. Because squeezing into my existing pants is getting more difficult every day.
  2. Exercise more. See #1 above.
  3. Make time for doing hobbies and things that I enjoy. This is a real resolution, as I’ve realized I’m not getting younger and things besides my job need to take more importance.
  4. Along with #3, spend more time with my extended family. Seeing all my nieces and nephews at Christmas helped me realize they’re getting older also.

So there’s four resolutions for the new year of 2015. I think that’s enough. Now I need to go do some mid-day exercise so maybe I don’t need to go clothes shopping…

Happy New Year Everyone!

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