This weekend was a two boating-day weekend. Saturday I spent the afternoon bouncing around the Potomac between Occoquan and Quantico, and at anchor in a quiet cove over on the Maryland side. It was a nice afternoon (any time on the water is nice, actually) even though the water was a bit rough. Sunday I went out again with friends as a two-boat rally, which turned out to be a bit of adventure.
Author: <span>Ron Charest</span>
I’ve been a bit slow in re-posting my monthly Letter’s to The Editor (LTEs) for June and July. As I’ve mentioned before, last July I made it a goal to get at least one letter per month published in our local newspaper The Potomac News.
I’ve actually met that goal so far, having one letter per month published since last August, and one column under my byline. With everything else I’ve been doing these past couple of months, I’ve been a bit slow republishing them here. So here is my June LTE.
Winnie loves to grow things. Calling her a “natural gardener” may be a fair statement even though she did grow up in a small farming village. Having seen the village she grew up in with it’s wonderful small vegetable plots surrounded by hundreds of acres of rice fields, I’m not too surprised she’s good with plants. But she really does love to grow plants and work in gardens.
She is also extremely resourceful.
It’s the 4th of July again. Just another great day for kicking off the summer season with fireworks, Bar-Be-Ques, picnics at the parks or beaches, or just hanging out with family and friends. Oh, and it’s also the day we celebrate the official birth of our nation.
An editorial in today’s local newspaper, coupled with a news story, has gotten me to thinking about the old-fashioned “Mom and Pop” shops. If you look around, you might think that those type stores, small specialty outlets run by a single family, famous for knowing their customers and offering great service, were going the way of the dinosaur (and gas guzzling monster trucks).
In reality, if you look around you might recognize that those “Mom and Pop shops” have morphed into something bigger and better. They’ve become the new age of Internet shopping.
Among the souvenirs Winnie brought back from China on her recent trip was an 11-disk set of DVDs containing the Chinese classic series “Journey to the West.” Now, as part of our evening routine whenever Winnie and I are both home, we watch one or two episodes. Although it’s only in the Chinese national language (no subtitles) I am able to mostly follow the action with Winnie’s help explaining the dialog. Watching these series has becoming a lot of fun.
My writing has been light lately, and there’s actually a good reason for this; a better reason that just not feeling like writing. I finally finished rebuilding my boat “Sea Dreams” enough that I could get her back in the water, and that event has pretty much taken first priority.
Winnie returned home in Virginia from her month long visit to China Sunday morning. She reports she had a nice visit traveling around different family in different towns around south-eastern China. However, her flying experience coming back to the U.S. left something to be desired.
It’s been a fast month. Spring is officially here and not a day too soon. It’s still not nearly warm enough for my liking but every day gets better. The boating season has begun, but my boat is not ready for the water. Beyond all that, Winnie’s gone to China trusting in me to keep her plants alive until she returns.
She is a very trusting soul indeed.
My July LTE – Backing Up Obama
The Republican Smear Machine has already started cranking out their nonsense in all its finest glory. Some of it leaked out into our local newspaper editorials section of “The Potomac News” on June 15, about Senator Obama allegedly breaking his promise to not take Lobbyist money. With this letter, I decided to officially become an “activist” and get clarification directly from the Obama campaign.
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Letters To The Editor LTE Obama Politics Potomac News