Tag: <span>James Simpson</span>

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Back on December 28, 2008, I had my latest letter to the editor (LTE) published in our local newspaper the Potomac News.  This letter was a rebuttal and answer to our local columnist James Simpson.  Mr. Simpson subsequently promised a rebuttal to my answer, and this week he did just that.

Not much of a surprise there, but what did pleasantly surprise me was his tone.  He actually wrote a respectful response laying out his opinions without any hint of mocking me.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

After a long pause from writing Letters to the Editor (LTE) I jumped back into the fray last week.  The occasion of my return to poking local conservatives was being directly challenged by a local columnist.  It seems even my on-line comments are enough to annoy our conservative writers.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Just because yesterday was Thanksgiving, it didn’t mean all the turkeys were in the ovens and on the tables. Yesterday’s Potomac News columnists included two of my most favorite writers; Charles Reichley and the big turkey himself, James Simpson. Reichley’s column was incoherent to the point of being meaningless and I actually couldn’t read all the way through. Simpson’s column, however, pissed me off.

So for the second time this month, I’ve written a rebuttal to one of Simpson’s columns. To the many things I was thankful for yesterday, add that I’m thankful no trees were killed to support my latest LTE.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Back on November 14, the editorial section of my favorite local newspaper “The Potomac News” once again scored big with one of our local columnists James Simpson. Unlike Ken Concannon and Charles Reichley, I haven’t bothered writing rebuttals or personal e-mails to Mr. Simpson before, simply because I don’t normally consider him worth the effort.

However, for this particular column I just had to make an exception and respond.

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