Like my late paternal grandmother, I love unusual names and gardening. I never met Grandma Florence as she died in 1933, twenty-five years before my birth.
Tag: <span>Alyce Clover</span>

I’d like to extend a big welcome to our newest guest writer and long-time family friend, writing as Alyce Clover!
Move over Dr. Phil! There’s nothing more therapeutic than mindless yardwork on a beautiful spring day.
The exercise from raking leaves, pulling weeds and disposing of the skeletons of last year’s annuals, causes a natural high. The revitalizing visual satisfaction comes after the cleanup when crocus, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and narcissi are revealed. For a moment, all is as it should be.
My final reward is a cup of herb tea with honey on the front porch; feeling content all my hard work got my mind off the world’s troubles, even if only for an hour.