Tag: <span>Eton</span>

So yesterday was another Halloween, the eve of All Saints Day. For the most part, it was a quiet Halloween with only a few families worth of children coming around Trick-or-Treating.  But, just before 10 o’clock we had our own trick-or-treat surprise.

Just before 10:00 PM, a police officer came to our door letting us know our much beloved moped, stolen in early September, had been recovered.

Family Stories

Last month Winnie and I undertook an experiment in low-tech commuting by purchasing a moped. Our thought was to use the moped for around-town transportation. It seemed ideally suited for getting me the 2.4 miles to my commuter bus stop each day. It was fuel efficient, low maintenance, and even a lot of fun driving. So, in the nearly one month we experimented with it, it did fine.

However, we ran into a snag. Friday, during the day while it was parked at the commuter lot, someone stole it. So much for our experiment.

Family Stories

…an Experiment in Low-Tech Commuting

Winnie and I purchased a new set of wheels yesterday. After several months of discussion we finally decided to try something different than the two-car family routine. We bought ourselves a 50cc Moped.

Family Stories