Virginia DMV backs Down!

But never admits to any errors…

Commonwealth of Virginia
Commonwealth of Virginia

Winnie received a response from the Virginia DMV today. Even though I wrote the letters of complaint, the third request I made in the 16 December letter was a direct response to Winnie explaining what she needed to do to gain her driver’s license.

The DMV never acknowledged their “Customer Service Representatives” made any errors, yet essentially, the documents they have told Winnie to provide is everything provided on the last three trips. Everything that is, except a letter from the DMV Commissioner.

Here is the text of the letter:

Dear Mrs. Wei Fang Li Charest:

Thank you for your scanned documentation provided to apply for a Virginia photo identification (ID) card, learner’s permit, or driver’s license. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

We have reviewed the documents you submitted and have determined that they are sufficient for you to apply. Although your name is displayed differently on your employment authorization document, we have been able to determine that your full name is Wei Fang Li Charest and will therefore, use that name in our records. Within thirty days of this letter, you will need to visit the Woodbridge Customer Service Center (CSC) at 31 Caton Hill Road, Woodbridge, VA, 22192-4116 and present the following documents:

  • This DMV identity / residency authorization letter
  • Valid Employment Authorization Card
  • Valid Mississippi Driver’s License
  • Social Security Card (Note: your name, date of birth and social security number has been verified with the Social Security Administration)
  • Copy of Residential Apartment Lease-Term Sheet listing Weifang Charest as a resident (This information was verified by this office with the Stony Ridge Apartment on 12/21/06.)

We have authorized the use of the documents listed above based on photocopies or faxed copies. A CSC representative will review your original documents. If there is reason to believe any of the documents have been altered, fraudulently obtained, or are fake, forged, counterfeit or otherwise non-genuine, illegitimate, or incomplete, they will not be accepted.

It is importnat to note that if a learner’s permit is applied for, successful competition of the knowledge test and vision screening is required.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to speak with any of our Identification Review representatives. You may contact us by mail at the letterhead address (Attention Room 301), via e-mail at, or by telephone at (804)367-0064.


Tracy H. Giffiths
Office manager, Identification Review Services

The scanned pdf file can be seen here.

Letter From Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to Weifang Charest on Documentation for Gaining Virginia Driver’s License (322 downloads )

Besides any acknowledgment of the inconvenience caused, or any indication that the CSC people acted improperly, Ms Tracy Giffiths failed to say “Welcome to Virginia.” But I guess, that’s more than we should expect. My earlier posts that explain this response, along with the letters I wrote, are here and here.

Actually, we did receive our welcome to Virginia. I’ll post the correspondence from the governor’s office, if we should receive any.

Related Posts

What’s In a Name Anyway? : Another in my series of Letters to the Editor.
Winnie Has Her Drivers License! : Winnie gains her Mississippi Driver’s license.
Rest in Peace Mildred Loving : My eulogy to a personal hero.


Two of the several rejection forms Winnie and I received from the Dale City DMV. I think these two forms show the blatant level of antagonism exhibited by the DMV officials.

December 6, 2006 rejection form – requiring proof of residency.

Virginia DMV Rejection Letter Requiring Additional Residency Proof (638 downloads )

December 16 , 2006 rejection form – requiring legal name change.

Virginia DMV Rejection Letter Requiring Legal Name Change (651 downloads )

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