Happy Thanksgiving 2015!

Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving

Just a quick post to wish all my family, friends, and many readers a Happy Thanksgiving celebration. May you’all have the chance to enjoy a wonderful meal with family and friends. As part of your celebrations, you might also take a few moments to reflect upon the many blessings of the past year, and to give thanks.

Winnie and I will be having dinner with friends today, and for the second year in a row I will not be cooking the Thanksgiving turkey and hosting the dinner. But that’s not what I want to give thanks for, even though it’s less work for Winnie and I. I’m thankful that we have local friends who invited us to join them. As these are all Chinese families, I’m also curious to see how they celebrate. They have assured me they eat turkey, unlike Winnie who still doesn’t believe that eating turkey on Thanksgiving was part of her American citizenship pledge.


It’s been several years since I’ve posted things I’m thankful for on Thanksgiving, so here is my long-due list for 2015.

  • I’m thankful that Winnie and are still together. For all our adventures and misadventures since we’ve first met, we’ve managed to build a life together and still have a strong marriage.
  • I’m thankful that I still have good health. Although many of my present aches and pains are a result of treating myself as an immortal being when I was younger, I’ve managed to avoid anything that could have permanently crippled me. Or worse.
  • I’m thankful for my family and my friends. Although most are scattered around the country and even across continents, we’re still able to keep in contact and be there for each other when needed.
  • I’m thankful that I have a good job that pays enough for us to live comfortably and save for my ever-closer retirement. This past year was rocky, with a short period of unemployment, but partly thanks to friends I landed on my feet yet again.
  • I’m thankful that Winnie has a good job, working for good people who value her and treat her decent.
  • Finally, I’m thankful that for all the chaos in America today, in the great scheme of world events people in this country are far better off that many, many, other people around the world today. If I had a prayer for this Thanksgiving, I would pray that people in this country not forget who we are.

So here we are on anther thanksgiving day celebration, a holiday that is unique to America. As a bonus for those who’ve managed to read all the way down this post, I give you what is considered a seminal moment in television history, with one of the most memorable lines of all time. I present to you the famous “WKRP in Cincinnati” episode of “the turkey drop.”

WKRP in Cincinnati – Turkey Drop

Happy Thanksgiving!

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