A Musical Interlude with Blondie

Debbie Harry, By Private Stock Records - Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=127961384
Debbie Harry, Lead Singer for Blondie

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We can’t always be walking around outraged about all the bad stuff in the world. Once in a while, we need to refocus on the good things that come along. Even if those things are few and far between. So, for today’s focus on the good, I present a musical interlude with Blondie.

Blondie with Debbie Harry

The music group “Blondie” was formed in 1974 as “Angel and the Snake,” then shortly after changed their name to “Blondie.” The band changed their name because the lead singer Debbie Harry had bleach-dyed her hair, and all the men were cat-calling her “Blondie.” From that point on, the band made history. From the ever-wonderful Wikipedia:

The band quickly became regulars at Max’s Kansas City and CBGB in New York City. […] With her beauty, daring choice of clothing, and two-tone bleached-blonde hair, Harry quickly became a punk icon. Blondie released their self-titled debut album in 1976; it peaked at No. 14 in Australia and (later, in 1979) No. 75 in the United Kingdom. Their second album, Plastic Letters, garnered some success outside the United States, but their third album, Parallel Lines (1978), was a worldwide hit and catapulted the group to international success. It included the global hit single “Heart of Glass“. Riding the crest of disco’s domination, the track made No. 1 in the US and sold nearly two million copies. It also reached No. 1 in the UK and was the second highest-selling single of 1979.

[…]Autoamerican  (UK No. 3, US No. 7) was released in 1980. Blondie had further No. 1 hits with “Rapture” (US No. 1). During this time, both Harry and Stein befriended graffiti artist Fab Five Freddy, who introduced them to the emerging hip-hop scene in the Bronx. Freddy is mentioned in “Rapture”. Through Fab Five Freddy they were also able to connect with Grandmaster Flash who is played by Jean-Michel Basquiat in the video. “Rapture” became the first rap-oriented song to reach No. 1 in the US Billboard charts. Grandmaster Flash said Harry “opened up so many doors for hip hop” by mentioning him in Rapture.

Wikipedia: Debbie Harry

Since I have no formal musical training I’m allowed to enjoy any type of music. Blondie, with the bleach-blonde awesomeness of Debbie Harry, is one of my guilty listening pleasures. Her rock/rap/hip-hop piece “Rapture” is at the top of my Blondie list for whenever I need a quick musical pick-me-up. I even know almost all the rap lyrics.

The Music

So, without further ado, or any other kind of do, I present the Rapture HD music video in all it’s full-color glory.

Blondie – Rapture HD Music Video
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