So the world is on fire right now. Stock markets are collapsing, a pandemic is raging across the globe, a buffoon is occupying the role of “Leader of the Free World,” and our supermarkets are out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
But things could be worse – we could be in a Groundhog Day time loop living the same day over and over again. So we need some music for these times.
Billy Joel has long been one of my favorite musicians and a personal hero. He grew up in Hicksville, Long Island, New York, just about six miles from my hometown of Farmingdale and seven years ahead of me. I’ve always seen him as a hometown boy who did good.
So in keeping with music for these times, I offer his awesome hit “We Didn’t Start The Fire,” complete with historically accurate images.
Just remember; we could be living this same day over and over again until we get it right.