Today is the last chance American’s have to vote for our future and our President. Do we want a fascist-lite morally corrupt convicted felon who was sued over 4000 times for not paying his bills? Who went bankrupt four times, each time profiting while his investors lost everything. Banned from running charities in New York after stealing from a children’s cancer fund. Who has credibly been accused of multiple counts of rape and pedopillia. A man showing clear signs of malignant narcissistic personality disorders and age-related dementia?
Or do we want a woman who is an accomplished former prosecuting attorney, former California State Attorney General, former Senator, and current Vice President to one of the most successful Presidents in our generation? Who also happens to be a black lady and daughter of immigrant parents.
Amazingly, according to polls, as of last week one third of our nation’s voters had not yet made up their minds.
Living in Fear: Authoritarianism vs Democracy
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Until now, I’ve never had any direct experience with living under authoritarianism. However, through both my first and present wife I’ve learned what that life is. Although I grew up in a democracy, I now recognize the key difference between authoritarianism and democracy.
It’s all about living in fear.
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America Dictatorships trump