Category: <span>Family Stories</span>

Car Travel Cartoon
Car Travel

Winnie and I successfully completed a week’s worth of traveling, visiting family, and sight seeing. We returned home late Saturday evening, July 7, after a 13 hour trip from Massachusetts. It was a really nice week, but also more tiring than I expected. It’s taken until now for me to feel rested again, ready to get back into the old routine.

Or perhaps, it’s really that I haven’t wanted to get back into the old routine again…

Family Stories

Ron Charest announces a vacation trip to the Northeastern US to visit with family. It would be the first time his wife Weifang would be meeting the family.

Family Stories

…And A Resolution on My Anti-Immigration Complaint

Bad Nurse
Bad Nurse

Yesterday morning I did contact my financial adviser and discussed Sunday morning’s incident with the home nurse.  Our agent became noticeably upset over my description of the event, and promised to pass the information to the medical agency.  She asked some questions, and apologized several times for what happened.  She promised the incident would be taken care of.

Family Stories

…and another Ugly Example of Anti-Immigration Hysteria

Bad Nurse
Bad Nurse

Winnie and I are currently in the process of buying some additional life insurance.  Not a big deal or at least it shouldn’t be.  Part of the process now-a-days to buy life insurance is take a medical exam, and the insurance companies actually make this part easy by sending a nurse-practitioner to the prospective client’s home for administering the forms and lab work.

Yesterday, we had our home visit.  As part of the nurse’s visit, she subjected me to some of the ugliest anti-immigration crap I’ve been personally subjected to.  As a side bonus, she performed what at best would be the sloppiest blood sample draw, on Winnie, I’ve ever experienced or witnessed.  Ever.

Family Stories


Winnie and I had an impromptu fishing trip this Sunday with my Aunt and Uncle who live nearby.  We drove up to a Navy recreation center they enjoy going to in Maryland, and despite the rain and cold weather we did end up catching a few nice fish.

Family Stories

It was a long time coming, but this past weekend I finally had the boat out on the water again.  It turned into a weekend’s worth of boating actually, as I had “Sea Dreams” out both Saturday and Sunday.  Sunday Winnie and one of her friends went with us and we did a bit of fishing.

Family Stories

This And That
This And That

I just wanted to wish all mothers reading this website, and even those who don’t read it, a very happy and belated Mother’s day. Here’s hoping that everyone had a lovely day and was able to spend at least a short while with family and close friends.

I also wanted to say a few words after a very long and busy month.

Family Stories

A Preview of Things to Come?

an approaching storm over lake Michigan
The Gathering Storm

We’ve been having what local news stations are referring to as “nor’easter.” Loosely translated, this appears to mean a major storm affecting the entire North Eastern part of the United States. Had I not read this in the local newspapers, I’d of thought we were brushed by a hurricane even larger than Katrina.

Family Stories

Easter Bunny Smile
Easter Smile

I just wanted to wish all Christians a Happy Easter celebration. Although raised in a household with a Catholic Dad and Lutheran Mom, I’m not much of a practicing Christian of any flavor now-a-days (neither Protestant or Catholic). Winnie, as a Buddhist with essentially no exposure to Christianity before meeting me, doesn’t really understand the significance of today’s celebration.

For us, today has been a quiet day dedicated to unpacking boxes and arranging the house. But I do remember some of my Bible teachings, and want to reflect on them briefly.

Family Stories

Our House With  Dogwood In Flower
Our House With Dogwood Tree In Bloom

On this Easter Sunday, 2007, I’d like to share a few neighborhood pictures of what spring looks like in our new home.

But you’ll need to click the “More” link to see them… Consider this news post is several thousand words long!

Family Stories