Charest Family on the Web Posts

This And That
This And That

It’s been a fast month.  Spring is officially here and not a day too soon.  It’s still not nearly warm enough for my liking but every day gets better. The boating season has begun, but my boat is not ready for the water.  Beyond all that, Winnie’s gone to China trusting in me to keep her plants alive until she returns.

She is a very trusting soul indeed.

Family Stories

Cartoon Cow
Global Warming-Causing Cow

Once again, I’ve had an interesting on-line “debate” in our very own “The Potomac News.” This time, the issues was global climate change. The letter to the editor (LTE) that started the debate was titled “Global warming: Another big, fat lie,” which is a fairly neutral title that gives one no hint of the general tone of the letter.

Opinions & Commentary

World Travel
World Travel

After nearly three years and many adventures in the New World, Winnie left today to go visit her family.  One catch with marrying a person who lived halfway around the planet; going to visit family takes a lot of planning.

Family Stories

Wherein I Get Called a Traitor with 5 !’s After Eight Short Posts

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

I’ve made a point of getting a Letter to the Editor (LTE) of our local newspaper published at least once each month since last summer. Over these past months my writing has evolved from simple rebutting of our local Conservative columnists to writing on original topics. Part of the change from rebutting columnists is that the newspaper has introduced commenting in their on-line version. This on-line commenting is moderated but apparently only filtered for obvious spam, as evidenced by the range of opinions that actually gets posted.

A comments thread I participated in became extremely amusing to me extremely fast today. Unfortunately, it is also a sad example of what now-a-days passes for “educated discussion” on immigration in this Virginia county of Prince William.

Opinions & Commentary

After writing, Hiding in Plain Sight, a story about the possible discovery of an Indian Burial Mound on my neighbors’ property, I began to reflect back on my own near death experience, (NDE) three years ago April 2005.  I was in church helping out at a funeral for a 17 year old boy in our congregation, when I suffered a near fatal brain aneurysm.

Family Stories

unidentified flying object
A Classic UFO

The recent series of Posts by AlyceClover has gotten me thinking about some of the mysterious events I’ve been around. I have the dubious distinction of having lived in two areas currently considered to be UFO hot spots; Pine Bush, New York, and Pascagoula, Mississippi. Pascagoula has the added distinction of being a hot spot for ghosts and haunted places.

Family Stories

Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day

Here’s to wishing all Mother’s in the United States a Happy Mother’s Day. For those families who actually live within commuting distance of “Mom,” be sure to take her out to breakfast, lunch, dinner, or at least stop by and say hello. For those of us too far away to commute, at least give dear old Mom a call….after sending a card or some flowers… Read a short history of Mother’s Day on the flip.

Family Stories

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

This month’s Letter to the Editor (LTE) of our local “The Potomac News” focused on veteran’s issues.  Specifically, I wrote about a current bill in congress that dramatically expands educational benefits for our veterans, submitted by freshman Senator Jim Webb (D-VA).  My letter specifically noted that Republicans, from the Bush administration on down, is actively opposing this bill and none of the chattering class seems to be paying attention.

Opinions & Commentary

Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving - File Photo
Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving – File Photo

Mildred Jeter Loving passed away yesterday at the age of 68.  I didn’t know her or her late husband Richard Loving who passed away in 1975.  But Winnie and I are benefactors of their legacy, especially now that we are living in Virginia.

Opinions & Commentary

Two weeks after my first backyard Indian Arrowhead find, I found several more.  April is a busy outdoor clean up time for me and it was while weeding in the same area where I found the first, several more were unearthed.  One arrowhead find is no big deal, but finding several in one area means something more was going on in that particular spot.  Possibly some kind of religious ceremony was held in my backyard hundreds to maybe thousands of years ago.  This could explain the earlier chanting heard that I wrote about in a previous story, Indian Arrowhead Spirit.

Family Stories